Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         needed to bring down emissions even further  hydrogen-fuelled locomotive and associated
                         beyond 2028 are not yet economic. Even more  hydrogen-fuelling infrastructure, will begin
                         ambitious policy and the development of large  immediately at various locations across the
                         carbon offset markets will also be needed to  US.
                         achieve net zero further down the line.  They will also seek to demonstrate hydrogen’s
                           “These are all things that we’re working on,”  use in prime power.
                         Wirth said. “It’s a significant improvement in
                         just this decade that we’ve outlined. And these  What next?
                         net-zero aspirations that most people have  These projects are just recent examples of Chev-
                         made – 2050 is, you know, is the date that they’ve  ron’s lower-carbon focus, with the super-major
                         targeted them for. And we’re going to make sig-  having announced numerous others over the
                         nificant progress just this decade. There are two  past few months. With the planned rise in low-
                         decades that follow for more work on technol-  er-carbon investment, such projects are set to
                         ogy, on policy and things like offset markets.”  become either more plentiful or larger in scale.  Some of the
                                                               More still may be needed to be done, how-
                         New projects                         ever, to satisfy shareholders, who voted in May   technologies that
                         All of this comes as Chevron continues to  in favour of a proposal to cut the super-major’s   will be needed
                         announce more low-carbon projects, on which it  Scope 3 emissions – those stemming from the
                         is often collaborating with partners – both from  use of its products by customers. Scope 3 emis-  to bring down
                         inside and outside the oil and gas industry.  sions are considered to be the most difficult
                           In the case of Chevron’s newly announced  emissions to tackle, and the proposal sharehold-  emissions even
                         collaboration with Enterprise, the two compa-  ers voted for was lacking in detail on how much
                         nies will study and evaluate opportunities for  Chevron would need to cut such emissions, or   further beyond
                         CCS from their respective business operations  by when. But in a world where decarbonisation   2028 are not yet
                         in the US Midcontinent and Gulf Coast regions.  is increasingly a priority, the super-major is
                         The initial phase of the study is anticipated to  likely to remain under pressure to keep ramping   economic.
                         last six months.                     up its emissions-cutting efforts.
                           For the hydrogen partnership with Cat-  Environmental groups this week were criti-
                         erpillar, no timelines have been announced.  cal of Chevron’s investment plans, saying the
                         However, the companies said the goal of their  super-major’s focus was on offsetting emissions
                         collaboration was to confirm the feasibility  from oil and gas output rather than reducing
                         and performance of hydrogen for use as a  oil production. However, Chevron is likely to
                         commercially viable alternative to traditional  maintain that realistic targets are needed, and
                         fuels for line-haul rail and marine vessels.  realistic alternatives to oil and gas on a global
                         Work on the rail demonstration, involving a  scale are yet to be established.™

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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