Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Phillips 66’s Alliance
                                                                                                  refinery may be too
                                                                                                  badly damaged to
                                                                                                  justify the cost of

       Gulf Coast refiners make progress on

       restarts, damage assessments from Ida

        US GULF COAST    REFINERS on the US Gulf Coast have contin-  week, Valero restarted its 215,000 bpd St Charles
                         ued to assess the damage from Hurricane Ida –  and 135,000 bpd Meraux refineries, along with
                         which hit the region at the end of August – make  the 19,000 bpd renewable diesel plant in Norco,
                         repairs and bring facilities back online. However,  Louisiana, in which it partners with Darling
                         in some cases the damage may be so severe that a  Ingredients.
                         restart may not be possible.           Around 2.2mn bpd of refining capacity went
                           Last week it emerged that downstream  offline ahead of Ida’s arrival, and following Vale-
                         player Phillips 66 may be forced to idle a refinery  ro’s restarts, less than 500,000 bpd remained
                         in Louisiana as a result of severe damage from  offline. This includes Royal Dutch Shell’s Norco
                         Hurricane Ida. Citing sources familiar with the  refinery.
                         matter, Bloomberg reported on September 10   Further complicating the region’s efforts to
                         that the plant had suffered so much damage that  return to normal operations was Hurricane
                         repairs may be too costly.           Nicholas, which made landfall in Texas as a
                           The Alliance refinery in Belle Chasse, which  Category 1 hurricane on September 14 but was
                         has the capacity to process more than 250,000  downgraded to a tropical depression later that
                         barrels per day (bpd) of crude, was shut on  day.
                         August 28, the day before Ida made landfall, and   The main impact from Nicholas was felt
                         sustained flooding.                  offshore, where Gulf of Mexico producers had
                           A separate report by Reuters, also released on  to shut in production or pause recovery efforts   Further
                         September 10, cited sources familiar with plant  from Ida as the storm approached. Shell halted
                         operations as saying the refinery could remain  production at its Perdido platform – which had   complicating the
                         shut for months in order for repairs to be carried  not been affected by Ida.
                         out. The company was reported to still be assess-  As of September 16, over 28% of Gulf oil out- region’s efforts to
                         ing the damage, with floodwaters having not yet  put and 39% of gas production remained shut
                         receded as of last week, though the breach in the  in, according to the US Bureau of Safety and  return to normal
                         south flood wall had been secured.   Environmental Enforcement (BSEE). Person-  operations
                           But according to the Bloomberg report,  nel remained evacuated from 42 platforms in
                         expectations of a months-long outage may be  the Gulf – around 7.5% of the total – and two   was Hurricane
                         optimistic. Phillips 66’s CEO, Greg Garland, was  dynamically positioned rigs remained off their
                         due to visit the refinery this week, the Bloomb-  location.                  Nicholas.
                         erg sources said. In the meantime, a Phillips   Onshore, refiners were largely unaffected
                         66 spokesman, Bernardo Fallas, said there’s no  by Nicholas, but the Freeport LNG terminal
                         operational update or timeline for restarting the  in Texas went offline owing to a power outage
                         facility.                            caused by the storm.
                           This development comes less than a month   Power outages also briefly disrupted service
                         after Phillips 66 put the Alliance refinery up for  on Colonial Pipeline’s main gasoline and diesel
                         sale. Reuters reported at the time that the com-  pipelines out of Houston, with its gasoline pipe-
                         pany was in talks with a potential buyer. How-  line resuming some shipments on September 14.
                         ever, damage to the plant may now complicate  LyondellBasell Industries’ plastics plant in Mata-
                         this process.                        gorda County, Texas, also saw production halted
                           Others, meanwhile, have had better luck. This  by power outages.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   16•September•2021
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