Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US lawmakers make last ditch effort to

       kill off the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

        US-EUROPE        US lawmakers made a last-ditch effort on Sep-
                         tember 14 to kill off Russia’s recently completed
                         Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which is now com-
                         pleted but not yet in operation.
                           Blocking the pipeline that will bypass Ukraine
                         and damage US sales of LNG to the European
                         market is one of the few issues that unite both
                         sides of the house. However, attempts to sanction
                         the pipeline to death have failed after US Presi-
                         dent Joe Biden gave the pipeline a waiver in May
                         this year, admitting it was a fait accompli.
                           That has not stopped energy sector lobbyists
                         from trying to stop the pipeline from going into
                         operation. A group of lawmakers from both
                         sides of the aisle introduced an amendment led
                         by Representatives Republican Michael McCaul
                         and Democrat Marcy Kaptur and about eight
                         other lawmakers that orders the president to  metres this week. Some pundits have speculated   The Rules Committee
                         impose sanctions on any entity responsible for  Russia is causing the shortages by refusing to   has a meeting
                         the planning, construction, or operation of the  transit gas via Ukraine; however, Gazprom has   scheduled for
                         Nord Stream 2 pipeline, RFE/RL reports.  stuck to the terms of its new transit deal signed at   September 20 to decide
                           It also authorises new mandatory sanctions  the last minute in December 2019 that commits   whether to include
                         to foreign entities and individuals responsible  the Russian gas giant to send 40bn cubic metres   the Nord Stream 2
                         for the planning, construction and operation of  via Ukraine’s Druzhba pipeline until 2024.    amendment in the
                         Nord Stream 2.                         Moreover, Gazprom has bought extra “guar-  NDAA.
                           The pipeline was finished but it is now stand-  anteed” capacity at the Gas Transmission Sys-
                         ing idle as the final tests and inspections are car-  tem Operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) auctions,
                         ried out. It must also gain EU permits before it  but has not bought “interruptible” capacity, of
                         can go into operation. Under the EU third pack-  which more was on offer. GTSOU has offered
                         age energy regulations, in theory the Russian gas  the interruptible capacity at the same price as the
                         company Gazprom will have to share at least half  guaranteed capacity, whereas usually the inter-
                         of the pipeline’s capacity, as the EU rules forbid  ruptible capacity is offered at a 60% discount to
                         it being both the owner and the operator of the  the guaranteed capacity.
                         pipeline. The sister pipeline Nord Stream 1 has   The Biden administration agreed to waive
                         a waiver that allows Gazprom to completely  sanctions on the pipeline in a deal with Ger-
          The Biden      fill that pipeline with gas, but Gazprom has so  many that has backed the pipeline and which
                         far been unable to gain a waiver for the second  will improve the latter’s own energy security
        administration   pipeline.                            by not routing its gas supplies via a warzone
                                                              and will supply significantly cheaper gas, as the
                           Russia may dodge the rules by allowing Rus-
        agreed to waive   sian oil major Rosneft to export gas via Nord  direct connection between the two countries
       sanctions on the   Stream 2, thus breaking Gazprom’s export  means transit fees will be less than routing it via
                         monopoly that the company has jealously  Germany.
       pipeline in a deal   guarded for decades.                The amendment sponsored by McCaul and
                           The Russian Ministry of Energy will report to  Kaptur was submitted to defence funding legis-
        with Germany.    the government on potentially allowing state oil  lation under consideration by the House Rules
                         giant Rosneft access to gas exports “in the com-  Committee.
                         ing days”, according to Interfax quoting Vice-  The legislation, known as the National
                         Prime Minister Alexander Novak, who curates  Defence Authorization Act (NDAA), has been
                         the energy sector, on September 15.    used the past two years to impose sanctions on
                           Gazprom has said that it hopes the pipeline  Nord Stream 2, delaying its completion by more
                         can go into operation on October 1, but the EU  than a year, RFE/RL reports.
                         certification process could take several months   The Rules Committee has a meeting
                         and may not be completed until January, accord-  scheduled for September 20 to decide
                         ing to some reports.                 whether to include the Nord Stream 2
                           In the meantime, shortages of gas and low  amendment in the NDAA. Lawmakers have
                         storage levels just ahead of the heating season  the option to defer to the House Foreign
                         that starts in October have driven up prices  Affairs Committee, as it did last year when
                         to record levels over $900 per thousand cubic  similar legislation was proposed.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   16•September•2021
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