Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 37 2021
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NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Investment firm Warwick buying

       Eagle Ford assets for $450mn

        TEXAS            WARWICK Investment Group announced this   The company is also aiming to take advantage
                         week that it had agreed to buy operated oil and  of the recovery in oil prices and demand through
                         gas assets in the Eagle Ford shale play from pri-  current production at the asset, as well as its near-
                         vately owned Rosewood Resources for around  term development.
                         $450mn.                                The deal follows the March closing of War-
                           Part of the financial commitment includes  wick’s fourth energy fund, which raised $416mn.
                         future development, which Warwick said would  Few details about the acreage were provided.
                         target gas and natural gas liquids (NGLs). The   Rosewood is a subsidiary of the Rosewood
                         investment firm owns stakes in more than 5,000  Corp., which in turn is wholly owned by the
                         wells and already has property immediately adja-  billionaire Hunt family’s Caroline Hunt Trust
                         cent to the Rosewood acreage.        Estate. According to Rosewood’s website, the
                           “This asset sits well within Warwick’s invest-  company has operations across several different
                         ment criteria targeting current production,  parts of the US. The company’s interests in the
                         future drilling inventory and diversified com-  Eagle Ford are non-operated, the website says.
                         modity streams,” stated Warwick’s co-chief   Privately owned companies have been seen to
                         investment officer, Ian Rainbolt. “We believe  be drilling more in shale plays than their public
                         this acquisition represents a strong risk-adjusted  counterparts this year, potentially with hopes
                         return on deployed capital for our investors and  of being bought out as the wave of mergers and
                         welcome this asset to the Warwick portfolio,” he  acquisitions (M&As) continues. Indeed, accord-
                         said.                                ing to a recent note from Morningstar, the pub-
                           “Rosewood  grows  Warwick’s  exposure  licly operated rig count has risen about around
                         to world-class, geologically diversified and  50% from pandemic-related lows last year, while
                         de-risked reservoirs,” added Warwick’s CEO,  the privately operated rig count has risen by
                         Kate Richard.                        roughly 80%.™

       Diamondback accelerates

       stock buyback programme

        US               SHALE driller Diamondback Energy announced  in excess of our cost of capital at mid-cycle com-
                         this week that it had accelerated plans to return  modity prices, which is the case today.”
                         50% of its free cash flow to shareholders, bring-  The company’s remaining free cash flow, as
                         ing them forward to the fourth quarter of this  well as asset sale proceeds, will be earmarked for
                         year. The company’s board of directors has also  further debt reduction according to Stice. Dia-
                         approved up to $2bn in share buybacks that will  mondback expects the sale of its North Dakota
                         be aimed at complementing this commitment,  assets to close in the next few weeks, with the net
                         also beginning in the fourth quarter.  proceeds, along with cash on hand, set to be used
       Diamondback expects   The drive to return 50% of free cash flow to  to pay off the remaining $650mn in outstanding
       the sale of its North   shareholders was initially set to begin in 2022  callable debt in the company’s capital structure.
       Dakota assets to close   before being brought forward.  Those assets, which Diamondback acquired
       in the next few weeks.  “Diamondback is accelerating its previously  through its takeover of QEP Resources earlier
                         announced capital return programme due to  this year, are being sold to Oasis Petroleum for
                         continued strong operational performance and  around $745mn.
                         improved capital efficiency, a supportive macro   At the time the deal was announced, in early
                         backdrop and increasing financial strength,”  May, Stice described the company’s strategy of
                         stated Diamondback’s CEO, Travis Stice. “While  “exploit and return”, which consists of spend-
                         our  consistent and  growing base  dividend  ing maintenance capital to hold oil production
                         remains our primary means of returning capital,  flat while using free cash flow to reduce debt
                         we plan to opportunistically repurchase shares  and return cash to stockholders. The latest
                         of our common stock, with the remaining free  announcement, as well as Diamondback’s sec-
                         cash flow allocated to our stockholders, when we  ond-quarter results release last month, also reit-
                         expect the return on that repurchase to be well  erated these plans.™

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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