Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 23
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Enbridge to pivot towards

       gas, renewables

       North American pipeline operator Enbridge has said it will

       gradually shift its asset mix towards natural gas and renewables

       in order to reflect the energy transition

        GLOBAL           CALGARY-BASED Enbridge – the largest pipe-  banks and Norway’s sovereign wealth fund most
                         line operator in North America – has said that  recently have been scaling back their invest-
       WHAT:             it will be shifting its asset mix, pivoting away  ments in the oil sands, citing the greenhouse
       Pipeline operator   from oil and towards natural gas and renewable  gas (GHG) emissions generated by the industry.
       Enbridge is gradually   energy. It is far from being the only one to make  This is despite the fact that oil sands producers
       pivoting its asset mix   such changes, as more and more oil and gas com-  have sought to publicise the strides they have
       towards natural gas and   panies shift their focus to reflect the ongoing  made in reducing emissions and environmental
       renewables.       energy transition.                   impacts from their operations.
                           Enbridge’s CEO, Al Monaco, told the Finan-  As well as producers, these public image
       WHY:              cial Post this week that his company’s approach  issues are affecting the operators of pipelines out
       The company is making   to the energy transition would be a gradual one  of the oil sands, including Enbridge, which has
       changes in response to   and that it would continue to invest in oil pipe-  seen considerable regulatory delays to its Line 3
       the energy transition.  lines. At the same time, though, Enbridge will  pipeline replacement project.
                         allocate increasingly larger proportions of its
       WHAT NEXT:        capital expenditure to gas and renewables.  Pivot
       Enbridge will target new   “If you look at the energy supply-demand  Enbridge has assets worth around CAD170bn
       opportunities in Europe   balance globally, we as a company kind of mirror  ($127bn), according to its latest financial state-
       that align with its energy   that. We have a meaningful part of our business  ments. Its Mainline, which carries 2.9mn barrels
       transition aims.  in renewables – the base is probably 5% of our  per day (bpd) of Western Canadian oil to the US,
                         assets,” Monaco was quoted by the Financial Post  is the company’s largest single asset, illustrating
                         as saying.                           the ongoing importance of oil to its business.
                           Liquids pipelines currently generate around   Nonetheless, in its latest investor pres-
                         55% of Enbridge’s earnings, while gas transmis-  entation, from early June, Enbridge identifies
                         sion and storage accounts for roughly 40%.  CAD2bn ($1.5bn) worth of growth opportuni-
                           Monaco’s  comments come  as  Canadian  ties beyond 2020 in liquids pipelines, compared
                         upstream and midstream companies continue  with a combined CAD4bn ($3bn) in utilities,
                         to struggle with the negative public image of the  gas transmission and renewables. Gas transmis-
                         Alberta oil sands. Foreign investors including  sion accounts for CAD2bn of this, while utilities

                                                                                                  Enbridge’s largest single
                                                                                                  asset is its Mainline oil
                                                                                                  pipeline, and oil will
                                                                                                  remain important to its

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