Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 23
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       US-Canada energy trade

       strong over past decade

        NORTH AMERICA    A recent report from the US Energy Informa-  Canada after a peak in 2014.
                         tion Administration (EIA) illustrates how strong   The US exported 459,000 bpd of crude to
                         energy trade between the US and Canada has  Canada, which remained the largest destination
                         been in recent years. The agency said Canada  for US oil exports despite the country easing
                         is the largest source of US energy imports, as  export restrictions in 2015 and sending growing
                         well as being the second-largest destination for  volumes to other countries.
                         US energy exports after Mexico. This includes   The US typically sends light, sweet crude
                         crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and  grades – such as those found in its shale forma-
                         electricity.                         tions – to Canada, which are sent to the eastern
                           Based on data from the US Census Bureau,  part of the country. Canada, in turn, primarily
       Crude shipments from   the EIA said energy accounted for $85bn – or  sends heavy crude from Alberta’s oil sands to
       Canada by rail have   27% of the value – of all US imports from Can-  the US – with this going to refineries either in
       boomed in recent years.  ada. Crude and petroleum products made up  the Midwest or on the Gulf Coast. The US shale
                         91% of US energy imports from Canada and 89%  boom over the past decade has dampened the
                         of US energy exports to Canada.      US’ appetite for Canadian energy, but a market
                           Crude from Canada also accounted for 56%  for crude from the oil sands remains because
                         of all US crude imports in 2019, averaging 3.8mn  most US refineries are configured to process
                         barrels per day (bpd). This was an increase from  heavy crude grades.
                         3.7mn bpd the previous year.           The EIA noted that crude shipments from
                           Meanwhile, the US exported $23bn worth of  Canada by rail had also boomed, more than tri-
                         energy to Canada in 2019, which accounted for  pling from an average of 91,000 bpd in 2016 to
                         around 8% of total US exports to Canada. This  300,000 bpd in 2019. Around 171,000 bpd of this
                         was the second-highest value of US exports to  went to the Gulf Coast region in 2019.™

       Gulf producers resume

       activity after storm

        GULF OF MEXICO   PRODUCTION is resuming this week in the US  Coast, meanwhile, were not reported to have
                         Gulf of Mexico after Tropical Storm Cristobal  suffered any significant disruptions because of
                         passed through the region, briefly disrupting oil  the storm.
                         and gas operations and making landfall in Lou-  On June 10, the US Bureau of Safety and
                         isiana on June 7.                    Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) reported
                           Federal data showed that offshore produc-  that staff remained evacuated from 61 Gulf plat-
                         ers had evacuated 188 Gulf facilities, and shut  forms, representing around 9.5% of the manned
                         in 635,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and  platforms in the region. Workers were reported
                         878mn cubic feet (25mn cubic metres) per day  to have returned to all drilling rigs operating in
                         of natural gas – around a third of the region’s  the Gulf. Roughly 23.6% of Gulf oil production
                         production.                          and 22.8% of gas output remained shut in as of
                           Producers shutting in some of their output  June 10.
                         included BP, which reduced production at its   The Gulf was producing nearly 2mn bpd
                         Thunder Horse, Atlantis and Na Kika platforms.  of oil at the start of this year, but the figure has
                         Another super-major, Royal Dutch Shell, said on  declined somewhat in recent months, after oil
                         June 8 that its production had been unaffected  prices collapsed and the coronavirus (COVID-
                         by the storm, but that it would resume drilling  19) was declared to be a pandemic in March.
                         activity and redeploy non-essential workers that  The BSEE was estimating Gulf output at around
                         had been evacuated from the region.  1.85mn bpd before Cristobal passed through the
                           Other companies saying on June 8 that they  region.
                         were beginning to return workers to offshore   Production is forecast to fall further still as
                         facilities included Occidental Petroleum and  some producers in the region reduce their out-
                         Murphy Oil. Downstream facilities on the Gulf  put in response to lower crude prices.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2020
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