Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 23
P. 11

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       LNG cargo arrives in US,

       another reportedly en route

        US EAST COAST    AN LNG tanker – the Kinisis – arrived at  prompted cargoes to be directed to the US. LNG
                         Dominion Energy’s Cove Point LNG terminal  imports into the US are not without precedent,
                         in Maryland from Trinidad on June 6. Another  though, as the country receives limited amounts
                         tanker – Madrid Spirit – was en route from Nige-  of LNG occasionally and most of its operational
                         ria as of June 10 and expected to arrive at Kinder  terminals have regasification capacity, having
                         Morgan’s Elba Island LNG terminal in Georgia  been initially built as import facilities.  Remaining
                         on June 11.                            The US received 21 cargoes of LNG in 2019,
                           The tanker was chartered by Royal Dutch  mostly from Trinidad. Over the same period, it   available
                         Shell, Reuters reported, citing sources familiar  exported over 500 shipments of the fuel.
                         with the matter. Indeed, Shell has a long-term   Remaining available European storage  European storage
                         contract to use the Elba Island facility, though  capacity is anticipated to be filled by the end of
                         the company has not commented publicly on  the summer, and this could potentially push gas   capacity is
                         the matter.                          prices on the continent below those in the US   anticipated to be
                           The arrival of these vessels and their cargoes  once again. It would not be surprising if more
                         comes as available gas storage capacity in Europe  cargoes were directed to the US under such cir-  filled by the end
                         runs out, while the glut of LNG puts downward  cumstances, and analysts have said that it makes
                         pressure on spot prices in both Europe and Asia.  sense for some companies to send LNG to the US   of the summer.
                         This made the US a more attractive destination  for storage. Indeed, according to Energy Aspects,
                         as prices converged, and indeed in late April, US  BP, Equinor and Shell have storage rights for a
                         gas futures traded at a premium to European  120-day period at Cove Point LNG.
                         benchmarks for the first time in around 10 years.   Federal and Refinitiv data cited by Reuters
                         European prices have rebounded so far in June,  show that Cove Point LNG has received two
                         however, rising above US prices once again.  other LNG cargoes so far this year. Exelon’s Ever-
                           Cancellations of cargoes scheduled to be  ett terminal in Massachusetts is also reported to
                         loaded in the US over the summer have been  have received seven cargoes so far in 2020, but
                         reported on with increasing frequency in recent  this is mostly used to fuel the Mystic gas-fired
                         weeks. However, this is the first time that cur-  power plant, and not for imports or storage for
                         rent market conditions are reported to have  other companies.™

       Week 23   11•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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