Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 23
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US lawmakers back more

       sanctions on Nord Stream 2

        US-EUROPE        THE US could impose more sanctions in an  pipelaying vessels, the Akademik Cherskiy and
                         attempt to prevent Russia from completing the  Fortuna, to complete the pipeline. Ship-tracking
                         Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany. But with a  data shows that both ships are now stationed at
                         mere 6% of the pipeline left to lay, further puni-  the German port of Mukran, which Gazprom
                         tive actions may fail to thwart the project, and  has been using over the years as a storage base
                         could backfire by further straining Washington’s  for Nord Stream 2’s pipes.
                         relations with Berlin.                 Cherskiy was owned by Gazprom’s shipping
                           US Senators Ted Cruz, Republican, and  subsidiary Gazprom Flot but has been trans-
       Russia is expected   Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, introduced a  ferred to a company called STIF, in an apparent
       to use two of its own   bipartisan bill to the Senate on June 4, named  effort to remove the gas company from possible
       pipelaying vessels, the   the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Clarifi-  sanctions. STIF was connected with Gazprom as
       Akademik Cherskiy and   cation Act (PEESA). The draft legislation builds  of April 1, according to Russian records, but it
       Fortuna, to complete   on a law passed in December that threatened  is unclear whether this is still the case. Fortuna,
       Nord Stream 2.    sanctions against companies providing pipelay-  meanwhile, belongs to a Russian services vessel
                         ing vessels for Nord Stream 2’s construction. The  operator called Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy
                         move prompted Swiss contractor Allseas to quit  (MRTS).
                         the project.                           Akademik Cherskiy appears to have already
                           “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin contin-  been upgraded with a dynamic positioning sys-
                         ues to try to circumvent those sanctions, and so  tem (DPS) required to work in Danish waters,
                         this new bill will once and for all clarify that those  where the remainder of Nord Stream 2 will be
                         involved in any way with installing pipeline for  built. However, Moscow-based Sova Capital
                         the project will face crippling and immediate  noted in a recent research report that its crane
                         American sanctions,” Cruz said on his website.  can only lift pipes up to 32 inches in diameter,
                           Efforts must continue to counter Russia’s  whereas Nord Stream 2’s pipes are 48 inches in
                         “malign influence” in Europe, he said.  diameter.
                           “Nord Stream 2 threatens Ukraine, Europe’s   This could mean Gazprom attaches Cherskiy
                         energy independence and gives Russia an open-  to Fortuna, which has a larger crane, to finish
                         ing to exploit our allies. Congress must once  construction. But doing so could render Cher-
                         again take...action and stand in this pipeline’s  skiy’s DPS unusable, meaning it would have
                         path.”                               to be anchored, Sova’s Mitch Jennings writes.
                           Nord Stream 2 had been due to start flowing  Anchoring the vessels would require a further
                         gas under the Baltic Sea to Germany by the end  permit from Denmark owing to the suspect
                         of last year. But construction fell behind sched-  large amount of World War II munitions in the
                         ule because of Denmark’s delay in issuing new  area. Gazprom would be unlikely to pursue this
                         permits and was halted completely after the US  option given how long it took to get the earlier
           The new       sanctions were imposed. Putin has said the pipe-  permits from Danish regulators.
                                                                Nord Stream 2 also faces regulatory head-
                         line could be finished by late 2020 or early 2021,
         sanctions bill   using Russia’s own pipelaying vessels.  aches. An EU court has rejected Gazprom’s
                           The US has long opposed Nord Stream 2,  request for the pipeline to receive a waiver from
        will need to be   blasting the project as a tool for Russia to assert  EU energy rules. This means Gazprom may have
        passed by both   political influence in Europe. Moscow has coun-  to partially sell the pipeline and provide third-
                         tered, saying Washington is simply looking out  party access to its capacity. Polish regulators have
         chambers of     for the commercial interests of US gas exporters.  also warned they may impose a fine on Gazprom
                                                              for not co-operating in an investigation into the
         Congress and    Laying the pipe                      pipeline’s financing.

        signed into law   The new sanctions bill will need to be passed by
                         both chambers of Congress and signed into law  Straining ties
        by US President   by US President Donald Trump.       Whether or not US sanctions make finishing the
                           It adds sanctions on companies providing  pipeline harder, they are sure to irk Germany.
        Donald Trump.    services or facilities for pipelaying vessels,  Nord Stream 2 enjoys broad support in the coun-
                         including welding equipment, retrofitting or  try, which is phasing out both coal and nuclear
                         the tethering of the ships. These companies  power, and wants to bolster its use of gas and
                         could have their US assets frozen and visas  renewables to replace them.
                         blocked.                               German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier
                           At this late stage, though, it is unclear whether  criticised Washington in late May for “escalating
                         the sanctions would have any impact. But this is  this sanctions threat, which is extraterritorial
                         not to say the project does not face challenges.  and thus in conflict with international law.”
                           Russia is expected to use two of its own   Klaus Ernst, chairman of the German

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