Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 23
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                  The lapsing of the deal is anticipated to
                                                                                delay a final investment decision (FID) on the
                                                                                export project, given that Tellurian has only
                                                                                managed to finalise one supply deal – Total
                                                                                agreed in July 2019 to buy 1mn tpy as well as a
                                                                                $500mn investment in Driftwood Holdings.
                                                                                  The Driftwood project includes gas
                                                                                production, gathering, processing and
                                                                                transportation facilities, along with the
                                                                                27.6mn tpy Driftwood LNG export facility
                                                                                that will be located near Lake Charles,
       May 2019. The average Canadian rig count   We believe an investment by Apollo of this
       for May 2020 was 23, down 10 from the 33   magnitude is a strong endorsement of our
       counted in April 2020, and down 47 from the   business model, strategy and future growth   Glenfarne Group expands
       60 counted in May 2019.             opportunities, particularly in our Water
         The worldwide rig count for May 2020 was   Solutions business. We also appreciate the   its commitment to LNG
       1,176, down 338 from the 1,514 counted in   support of TD in providing the initial facility
       April 2020, and down 1,006 from the 2,182   and for being an important relationship bank   sector with acquisition of
       counted in May 2019.                in our revolving credit facility.”
       BAKER HUGHES, June 05, 2020            “We are pleased to provide this new   Magnolia LNG
                                           facility to NGL, which has built a diversified
                                           midstream company with a premier US   Glenfarne Group, a developer, owner-operator
       MIDSTREAM                           water infrastructure franchise,” said Wilson   and industrial manager of energy and
                                           Handler and Andy Safran, of Apollo’s Natural   infrastructure assets, announced today it has
       NGL Energy Partners                 Resources Private Equity business. “With   completed the acquisition of Magnolia LNG,
                                                                                an LNG export terminal development project
                                           its high-quality assets, customer base and
       announces $250mn term               management team led by CEO Mike Krimbill,   in Louisiana, USA, through Glenfarne’s newly
                                                                                formed subsidiary Magnolia LNG Holdings.
                                           we believe NGL is well positioned for future
       loan facility with certain          success.”                            annum (mtpa) LNG export business that has
                                                                                  Magnolia LNG is an 8mn tonnes per
                                           NGL ENERGY PARTNERS, June 04, 2020
       funds and accounts                                                       completed the Federal Energy Regulatory
                                                                                Commission (FERC) permitting process. The
       managed by affiliates of            DOWNSTREAM                           115-acre project site sits on the Industrial
                                                                                Canal near Lake Charles in Southwest
       Apollo Global Management  MoU between Tellurian,                         Louisiana, and has a long-term Lease Option
                                                                                Agreement in place with the Lake Charles
       to refinance its acquisition  Petronet lapses                            Harbor and Terminal District. Magnolia LNG
                                                                                is permitted to receive natural gas through the
       bridge facility                     The plunge in LNG prices has seen India’s   existing Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline,
                                                                                and will pretreat, liquefy and store the LNG
                                           Petronet rethink one major new term contract
       NGL Energy Partners announced that it has   it was negotiating with US gas developer   onsite for domestic use and export. The
       entered into a new $250mn term loan facility   Tellurian.                Transaction also includes the acquisition of
       with certain funds and accounts managed   The Houston-based company revealed   Magnolia LNG’s patented OSMR® liquefaction
       by affiliates of Apollo Global Management   on June 5 that Petronet had let their   technology, a low-cost, highly efficient process
       to refinance its existing $250mn bridge term   memorandum of understanding (MoU),   configured to generate lower greenhouse gas
       loan facility that was established in July 2019   which was signed in September 2019, lapse.  (GHG) emissions than other conventional
       with TD Securities (USA) as lead arranger   Under the terms of the MoU, Petronet was   LNG processes.
       and bookrunner and the Toronto-Dominion   negotiating not just the purchase of up to 5mn   Magnolia LNG was previously owned by
       Bank, New York Branch as initial lender   tpy of LNG from the proposed Driftwood   Liquefied Natural Gas Ltd., which is currently
       to finance a portion of the acquisition of   export terminal on the US Gulf Coast, but   completing a corporate restructuring.
       Mesquite Disposals Unlimited.       also a $2.5bn equity acquisition in Driftwood   “Magnolia LNG is a well-known and
         “We are pleased to work with Apollo, a   Holdings.                     high-quality project to which Glenfarne
       leading investment management firm, and   Tellurian and Petronet had envisioned   brings its funding, marketing, development
       their well-respected team, on this transaction   finalising the transaction by March 31, but   and construction expertise to take it to Final
       to term out the bridge facility we utilised last   after executives from the US company visited   Investment Decision, and then construct
       summer to fund the Mesquite transaction,”   India in February the deadline was pushed   and operate the asset,” said Brendan Duval,
       stated Mike Krimbill, NGL’s CEO. “The   back to May 31. Tellurian spokesperson   Founder and Managing Partner of Glenfarne.
       Apollo team has worked closely with our   Joi Lecznar said last week that while the   “We believe in the essential role that natural
       management team over the past several weeks   agreement had lapsed, the company was still   gas plays in the transition to a lower carbon
       conducting due diligence and preparing   in talks with Petronet and other possible   world. The facility will provide clean, low-cost
       documentation to complete this financing.   offtakers for the LNG terminal.  and reliable energy globally, and we are proud

       Week 23   11•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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