Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 23
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NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       ConocoPhillips considering ending

       production curtailments

        US               US-BASED ConocoPhillips, the largest inde-  (COVID-19) pandemic took hold, hitting oil
                         pendent producer, is considering ending its  demand.
                         output curtailments and gradually ramping up   “It’s a longer road back to above 10mn [bar-
                         activity on strengthening oil prices.  rels] a day or so, where we’re at today. If I were a
                           Speaking with consultancy IHS Markit for its  betting man, today I would say it would be pretty
                         CERAWeek Conversations series, ConocoPhil-  difficult for us to return to 13mn barrels a day.
                         lips’ CEO, Ryan Lance, said this week that his  But we’ll get back above 10 [million bpd], back
                         company had shut down about 400,000 barrels  above 11 [million bpd] maybe encroaching on
                         per day (bpd), or around a third of its produc-  12 [million bpd] as we go through. A lot of that
                         tion. ConocoPhillips’ cuts were the largest to be  depends on the shape of this recovery,” he said.
                         made by any North American producer in April.  He added, however, that despite the challenges
                           “We made a decision pretty early on to start  ahead, plenty of potential still remained for the
                         curtailing our production,” Lance said. “We were  shale industry.
                         getting single-digit kinds of offers at the wellhead   “I don’t think shale’s gone. I don’t think any-
                         for some of the product that we were producing,  body says that. There’s going to be some very
                         and we just didn’t feel like that was sufficient.”  low cost-to-supply shale resource and they still   With more
                           His comments suggest that the company will  exist in the United States. We have a lot of that
                         proceed with caution despite the positive signs  in our own company as well,” Lance said. “Shale   potential oil price
                         in the market.                       is not broke; shale is not gone; shale will come
                           “I would say we’re probably thinking of slowly  back. But I do think it comes back slower because  volatility looming
                         coming back into the market over the next few  there’s going to be pressure on companies to con-
                         months and reducing the amount we’ve got cur-  fine their capital programme, maybe not grow   beyond June, it
                         tailed because we’re seeing some strengthening  dramatically as they were before, because I don’t   is not surprising
                         in the price,” he said.              think the access to capital in the investor com-
                           Lance also noted that the industry had to  munity, at least in the public side of the business,   that producers
                         worry about a “double bump”, depending on  is going to be as robust as it was over the last
                         what the OPEC+ countries agree to do about  decade.”                         are being
                         maintaining output cuts. Indeed, while the   Speaking at a separate June 10 webinar hosted
                         OPEC+ countries have agreed to extend their  by the Independent Petroleum Association of   cautious.
                         output curbs by an additional month, Saudi  America (IPAA), Lance said the swiftness of the
                         Arabia – the de facto leader of OPEC – has sig-  oil price recovery in recent weeks had surprised
                         nalled that it would not continue with additional,  him. He added that some consolidation in the
                         deeper cuts after June.              industry would be a positive, and that Cono-
                           With more potential oil price volatility loom-  coPhillips was monitoring such developments.
                         ing beyond June, it is not surprising that produc-  “We’re in the market every day. Asset deals,
                         ers are being cautious. Indeed, Lance warned  smaller deals, and we’ll see if some of the cor-
                         that he did not expect US production to rebound  porate transactions take hold, which should,” he
                         quickly to the levels seen before the coronavirus  said.™

       Week 23   11•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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