Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 23
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                         parliament’ energy committee, went further, say-
                         ing that Berlin might respond to the sanctions
                         with punitive measures of its own.
                           “If this doesn’t finally stop, then we would
                         have to think about serious measures to protect
                         ourselves. For instance, punitive duties on natu-
                         ral gas from the US are possible,” he told Russian
                         press on June 5. “The behaviour of the US in this
                         issue should no longer be seen as a friendly act; it
                         is an offence against the sovereignty of Germany
                         and the EU.”
                           Relations between Germany and the US
                         have often been strained during Trump’s presi-
                         dency. The pair have clashed not only over Nord
                         Stream 2 but also US calls for Germany to raise
                         its defence spending, among other issues.
                           German Chancellor Angela Merkel thwarted  rather than because of tensions between the two
                         Trump’s plan to host a G7 meeting at the White  allies.
                         House this month. And on June 5, Trump ordered   Germany’s relationship with the US is “com-
                         the US military to remove 9,500 troops from Ger-  plicated,” German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas
                         many, although Washington insisted  that the  said on June 7, saying that the withdrawal of US
                         move was the result of months of preparations,  troops was regrettable.™

       US government buys 126,000

       barrels of crude for SPR

        US               THE US Department of Energy (DoE) said
                         this week that it had bought 126,000 barrels
                         of crude for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
                         (SPR). The crude was acquired from Shell Trad-
                         ing, a US-based subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell,
                         which in turn bought the oil from small and
                         medium-sized producers.
                           The move is part of a plan designed to help US
                         producers in a challenging market as they con-
                         tend with low prices and demand, and limited
                         storage. However, the amount of crude acquired
                         is just a fraction of what the DoE initially said it
                         would purchase from producers.
                           In March, US President Donald Trump
                         ordered the DoE to fill the SPR, which was esti-
                         mated to have available capacity of around 77mn
                         barrels. Analysts warned, however, that not all
                         of this capacity would technically be available to
                         fill. The DoE then cancelled an initial plan to buy
                         30mn barrels, after US Congress did not agree
                         to fund it. A subsequent plan to buy up to 1mn
                         barrels to help small and medium-sized produc-
                         ers was unveiled in May, and it is under this plan
                         that the DoE has made its purchase from Shell.  Trading, Mercuria Energy America and MVP
                           The DoE has not said whether it still intended  Holdings – had agreed to store a combined
                         to buy more crude under the 1mn barrel plan.  23mn barrels in the SPR. They will be allowed to
                           The department has also started renting  store this crude in the reserve until March 2021,
                         out SPR capacity to oil companies. In April, it  paying a small amount of oil to cover the cost of
                         announced that nine companies – Chevron,  storage.
                         ExxonMobil, Energy Transfer, Vitol, Atlantic   Deliveries of this crude to the SPR are
                         Trading, Alon USA, Equinor Marketing &   expected to be completed this month.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2020
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