Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 23
P. 16

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Chesapeake reportedly close

       to filing for bankruptcy

        US               CHESAPEAKE Energy was reported to be  June 11, the company’s share price was trading
                         preparing a potential filing for Chapter 11  below $17.
                         bankruptcy protection this week as it runs out   Chesapeake was already struggling before its
                         of options for staying afloat and an interest  woes were compounded by the failure of OPEC+
                         payment deadline looms. Analysts have been  talks in March and the impact of the coronavi-
                         warning that the debt-laden company has risked  rus (COVID-19) pandemic on energy demand.
                         bankruptcy since oil prices collapsed in March.  Chesapeake’s CEO, Doug Lawler, had spent
                         And Chesapeake said in May that it was con-  around seven years trying to pay down an exten-
                         sidering a bankruptcy court restructuring of its  sive debt load amassed by his predecessor, the
                         debt, which totals over $9bn, as it was unable to  late Aubrey McClendon. He also tried to pivot
                         access financing.                    the company away from natural gas, as prices for
                           On June 8, citing sources familiar with the  the fuel languished, to more profitable tight oil.
                         matter, Bloomberg reported that Chesapeake  These efforts also led to little success, however, as
                         was negotiating a restructuring support agree-  crude prices stayed relatively weak before their
                         ment that could see holders of its “first in, last  latest collapse.
                         out” (FILO) term loan take a majority of the   For the first quarter of 2020, Chesapeake
                         equity in bankruptcy. However, the sources  recorded $8.5bn in impairments as the value of
                         added that the support agreement remained  its fields, a sand mine and other assets shrank
                         fluid and that the terms could change.  along with crude prices.
                           The day this was reported, the compa-  The company is now considering whether to
                         ny’s shares more than tripled at one point  skip interest payments due on June 15 and invoke
                         to $84.75, then slumped after Bloomberg  a grace period while it talks with creditors,
                         reported the potential bankruptcy filing.  according to Bloomberg’s sources. One source
                         Trading of company shares was also halted for  said it had also begun soliciting lenders to pro-
                         volatility 22 times during that session and the  vide debtor-in-possession financing to fund its
                         volatility continued the following day. As of  operations during bankruptcy.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            of this transaction is May 1, 2020, and the   and the board of directors of Black Stone’s
                                           sale is expected to close in July of 2020.   general partner intend to evaluate increasing
       Black Stone Minerals                The other agreement involves the sale of a   distribution levels after closing the
                                                                                transactions in July.
                                           57% undivided interest across parts of the
       announces asset sales               Company’s Delaware Basin position and a   BLACK STONE MINERALS, June 04, 2020
                                           32% undivided interest across parts of the
       totalling $155mn, further           company’s Midland Basin position to Pegasus   Baker Hughes announces
                                           Resources, LLC, a portfolio company of
       strengthening balance               EnCap Investments, for gross proceeds of   May 2020 rig counts
                                           approximately $100mn. The effective date of
       sheet and liquidity position        this transaction is July 1, 2020, and the sale is   Baker Hughes announced today that the
                                                                                Baker Hughes international rig count for
                                           also expected to close in July of 2020. Black
       Black Stone Minerals today announced it has   Stone estimates the production associated   May 2020 was 805 down 110 from the 915
       entered into two separate agreements to sell   with the properties to be sold, in total, to be   counted in April 2020, and down 321 from the
       certain mineral and royalty properties in the   approximately 1,800 boe per day.  1,126 counted in May 2019. The international
       Permian Basin for gross proceeds totalling   Proceeds from the sale will be used to   offshore rig count for May 2020 was 195,
       approximately $155mn.               reduce the balance outstanding on the   down 33 from the 228 counted in April 2020,
         One of these agreements involves the   company’s revolving credit facility. Black   and down 45 from the 240 counted in May
       sale of Black Stone’s mineral and royalty   Stone expects its total debt levels to be under   2019.
       interests in specific tracts in Midland County,   $200mn after closing the two transactions.   The average US rig count for May 2020 was
       Texas to a private buyer for gross proceeds   The asset sales accelerate Black Stone’s debt   348, down 218 from the 566 counted in April
       of approximately $55mn. The effective date   reduction goals, and therefore management   2020, and down 638 from the 986 counted in

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2020
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