Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 49
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NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         national oil company (NOC), over the terms of   OPEC+ member Oman has concerted efforts
                         a 20-year ethane supply deal. Mexican President  to reinvigorate the sultanate’s oil and gas indus-
                         Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has come down  try through the creation of Energy Development
                         on the side of the state-owned companies, and  Oman (EDO), a new company that will seek to
                         some industry observers believe that the gov-  tap international debt markets backed by the
                         ernment sees recent developments as a means of  country’s largest oil concession, Block 6.
                         forcing Braskem Idesa to sign new contracts that
                         are more favourable to both Cenagas and Pemex.  If you’d like to read more about the key events
                           In related news, Mexico’s government is on   shaping the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then
                         track to collect about $2.5bn this year as a result   please click here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor .
                         of its annual oil price hedging deal. The 2020
                         hedge, which expired on November 30, locked  NorthAmOil: Chevron cuts capex
                         oil prices in at $49 per barrel. This was a fortu-  Chevron followed rival super-major ExxonMo-
                         nate move, given the depths to which world  bil in announcing a cut to its capital expenditure
                         crude prices sank earlier this year. Prices for  budget last week. (See: Chevron follows ExxonMobil
                         Maya crude, Mexico’s main export grade, sunk  in capex cut, page 14) This comes as both large and
                         briefly below zero in April and even now are only  small producers are looking to 2021 – and beyond
                         at around $40 per barrel.            – and independents can be expected to follow the
                                                              super-majors’ leads in announcing scaled-back
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   spending plans over the coming weeks.
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   Chevron said on December 3 – three days
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .  after ExxonMobil’s capex plans were unveiled
                                                              – that its 2021 capital and exploratory spend-
                         MEOG: OPEC+ agreement                ing programme would total $14bn. It added
                         The oil market sighed with relief this week when  that its longer-term capex guidance over 2022-
                         it was announced that OPEC and its partners  25 was $14-16bn. This is down from a previous
                         had agreed a deal to maintain 7.2mn bpd of cuts  projection of $19-22bn, with Chevron unveil-
                         until at least the end of January, with monthly  ing 2020 capex guidance of $20bn this time
                         meetings to decide increases going forward.  last year before subsequently scaling back its
                           However, the friction between key OPEC  plans after the oil and gas industry entered its
                         members Saudi Arabia and the UAE that caused  latest downturn.
                         the group to delay their meeting with non-OPEC   The super-major said it would continue to
                         partners has not gone unnoticed. Riyadh had  prioritise investments that are “expected to grow
                         been keen to maintain the previous 7.7mn bpd  long-term value and deliver higher returns and
                         cuts for a further three months in order to max-  lower carbon”. It added that this would include
                         imise market stability and prop up prices, but the  over $300mn worth of investments aimed at
                         UAE said it would only support a continuation of  advancing the energy transition in 2021.
                         reductions if non-compliers were forced to toe   Chevron said it expected to increase invest-
                         the line. While a compromise has been reached,  ment in various “advantaged assets” over the
                         it is likely to have fallen short of the levels the  coming years, including the Permian Basin,
                         UAE would have hoped for with ramping up  other unconventional plays and the Gulf of Mex-
                         production, an important element in its efforts  ico. Some parallels can be drawn between Chev-
                         to make its Murban crude grade a benchmark  ron and ExxonMobil here, with the latter also
                         for the commodity.                   saying it would prioritise spending on a handful
                           Iraq will play a particularly important role  of assets, including its operations in the Permian.
                         in the success of the latest deal, with the coun-  But Chevron appears to have more of a focus on
                         try the most flagrant offender when it comes to  its entire US portfolio, which now includes the
                         non-compliance. Meanwhile, Total is reported  assets it acquired through its merger with Noble
                         to have taken steps to sell off a non-core asset  Energy earlier this year.
                         in the Kurdish north of the country, with the   Other announcements of capex cuts, albeit
                         Sarsang block apparently being marketed by  on a smaller scale, are set to follow across the US
                         Jefferies.                           oil and gas industry.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   10•December•2020
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