Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Despite friction, OPEC+ reaches

       output compromise

       The group managed to reach a compromise, though the historically compliant UAE

       has become a thorn in OPEC’s side with major ambitions of its own

        GLOBAL           OPEC and its partners agreed a deal last week  push for higher output as it seeks greater deci-
                         that will see members of the broader OPEC+  sion-making powers on its own upstream
       WHAT:             group increase total production by a combined  strategy.
       OPEC+ has agreed to   500,000 barrels per day (bpd) from January 1   The UAE refused to give its support for Saudi
       ease production cuts   with further rises to be discussed on a monthly  proposals to extend the 7.7mn bpd cuts for a fur-
       by 500,000 bpd from   basis.                           ther three months unless quota-busting mem-
       January 1.          Current cuts stand at 7.7mn bpd and were  bers, including Iraq, Nigeria and Russia, be held
                         due to drop to 5.7mn bpd next month. The new  to account and forced to make the promised, but
       WHY:              agreement, though, will see monthly hikes of  as yet largely undelivered, compensatory cuts.
       Members had been   a maximum of 500,000 bpd, effectively push-  In October, OPEC members Angola, Congo
       pushing to reduce the   ing back the total increase by three months,  (Brazzaville), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iraq,
       cuts, while kingpin Saudi   according to Russian Deputy Prime Minister  Nigeria and the UAE committed to a combined
       Arabia had proposed an   Alexander Novak. Meanwhile, Iranian Oil Min-  1.054mn bpd in compensatory cuts for Septem-
       extension of the 7.7mn   ister Bijan Zanganeh said that the group would  ber-December, with a further 586,000 bpd com-
       bpd reductions for three   stick to the new deal until the total production  pensation required but unaccounted for in their
       further months.   increase had reached 2mn bpd.        plans. Meanwhile, OPEC+ partners committed
                           Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the  to a further 168,000 bpd in cuts for the same
       WHAT NEXT:        Vienna summit, Saudi Energy Minister Prince  period, with another 566,000 bpd in over-pro-
       The group will meet   Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud said: “The mar-  duction unaccounted for.
       monthly to assess moves   ket should take comfort [from] the idea that we   The UAE, which broke formation in the sum-
       to further ease the output   have all of the tools in our kit and will release  mer to increase output above permitted lev-
       restrictions.     them drip by drip as we see how the market  els, was swiftly chastised by Saudi and quickly
                         behaves. It’s a sensible way of being very careful  improved its compliance. Meanwhile, Iraq,
                         and diligent.”                       which promised to make compensatory cuts of
                                                              nearly 700,000 barrels for the final four months
                         Rift                                 of the year, increased production in October
                         The announcement followed well-publicised  and to that point had failed to improve compli-
                         friction between OPEC’s two key allies, Saudi  ance despite a commitment from the country’s
                         Arabia and the UAE, with the latter keen to  Ministry of Oil (MoO).

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