Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         opening up, though, Alberta’s oil producers have  laid off in Alberta over the past year have skills
                         other uncertainties to contend with.  that can be used to produce cleaner forms of
                                                              energy. However, the development of hydro-
                         Going greener                        gen and geothermal industries is still in its early
                         The advancing energy transition could pose an  days, and would also have numerous hurdles to
                         existential threat to Alberta’s oil industry, at least  surmount.
                         according to some, even as others tout the poten-
                         tial for the province’s oil producers to co-exist  What next?
                         with greener industries.             The most pressing challenge for Alberta is its
                           In October, Alberta’s government proposed  surge in COVID-19 infections. The province
                         a law that would provide a regulatory frame-  hopes that new lockdown measures introduced
                         work for investment in geothermal energy.  this week could help contain the spread of the
                         Also in October, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney  virus, but the new wave poses a threat to the
                         announced that Alberta would seek to use its  Alberta oil industry, among others.
                         natural gas to produce and export hydrogen.   However, global oil prices have been buoyed
                         Indeed, the province has increasingly been  this month by optimism over the roll-out of a
                         talking up its potential to be a leader in the  COVID-19 vaccine. Canada approving the
                         development of so-called blue hydrogen, which  Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine this week, and if it
                         is produced from natural gas with a carbon  performs as expected, it could help to contain
                         capture and storage (CCS) component. Alberta  the outbreak, in the coming months, though any
                         already operates CCS facilities, and hopes to  resulting rally in oil demand would likely not be
                         harness its expertise in this area for blue hydro-  immediate.            Canadian Natural
                         gen development.                      Nonetheless, the introduction of vaccines
                           Kenney has also joined the premiers of three  has come as a positive sign for the oil industry.   Resources Ltd
                         other provinces to promote the development  Meanwhile, some of Alberta’s leading produc-  (CNRL) said it
                         of small nuclear reactors. And Alberta’s gov-  ers are cautiously boosting production, spurred
                         ernment recently set up a council to explore  both by the end of the province’s oil curtailment   would increase
                         increased production of minerals such as lith-  programme and by hopes that a gradual recov-
                         ium and vanadium, which are used to make  ery has started.                 its production
                         batteries.                            This week, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd
                           The Economist noted in a December 5 arti-  (CNRL) said it would increase its production   by 5% in 2021
                         cle that all of these moves mark a change from  by 5% in 2021 compared with this year, while   compared with
                         Kenney’s all-out support of the oil industry dur-  raising its capital expenditure budget by 19%
                         ing his election campaign – or at least a greener  year on year. This comes after Suncor Energy   this year.
                         tinge to his policy. This, the newspaper sug-  and Imperial Oil both said in recent weeks that
                         gested, may have been encouraged by a growing  they would raise spending and output in 2021.
                         realisation that investors are serious about using   Alberta’s production still remains vulnerable
                         environmental criteria to inform their deci-  to oil price volatility in the shorter term, while in
                         sion-making. Provincial government support  the longer term, the direction of the energy tran-
                         for the oil sands could mean little if producers  sition will help shape the provincial oil indus-
                         struggle to find markets for their output owing  try’s future. However, despite current and future
                         to environmental concerns.           challenges, some bright spots have emerged in
                           In addition, oilfield workers that have been  recent weeks.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   10•December•2020
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