Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Whitecap buying Torc in $442mn deal

        WESTERN          CANADA’S Whitecap Resources announced  owing to a “moderated” capital programme, rep-
        CANADA           this week that it had struck a deal to acquire Torc  resenting an output decline rate of less than 19%.
                         Oil & Gas in an all-stock deal valued at around  The companies are aiming to lower production
                         CAD565mn ($442mn). Including Torc’s esti-  in an effort to bolster the combined entity’s ability
                         mated net debt of CAD335mn ($262mn), the  to generate significant free funds flow to increase
                         transaction is worth CAD900mn ($704mn).  returns to shareholders. They said the combined
                           Under the deal, Torc shareholders will receive  entity was anticipated to have over CAD300mn
                         0.57 Whitecap shares in exchange for each Torc  ($235mn) of free funds flow, supported by a base
                         share, representing a discount of about 4.3% to  production decline rate of roughly 17%.
                         the last closing price of Torc shares before the   This would be a higher rate of free funds flow
                         acquisition was announced on December 8.  than Whitecap expected to be able to achieve
                           The companies said in a statement that the  alone, supporting a 6% increase in the monthly
                         transaction would create one of the largest pure  dividend from CAD0.01425 ($0.01115) per
                         play conventional light oil producers in Canada.  share to CAD0.01508 ($0.01180) per share from
                         The combined entity will have over 100,000 bar-  March 2021.
                         rels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) of output,   The deal comes as consolidation picks up
                         with oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs) account-  pace in both Canada and the US, with merging
                         ing for 78% of this. They noted that the deal  producers favouring all-stock transactions as
                         would also boost Whitecap’s dominance in its  they pursue greater scale in an effort to boost
                         core operational area in Alberta and Saskatche-  their performance in a difficult market. Indeed,
                         wan, as Torc’s asset base fits directly into it.  Whitecap is also buying NAL Resources, with
                           The two companies added that Torc’s current  that transaction anticipated to close in January,
                         production is around 25,000 boepd, and that this  while the Torc takeover is expected to close by
                         is anticipated to drop to 22,000 boepd in 2021  February 25, 2021.™

       Newfoundland and Labrador government

       offers lifeline to West White Rose

        NEWFOUNDLAND     THE government of the Canadian province  schedule and cost of West White Rose.
        AND LABRADOR     of Newfoundland and Labrador announced   Further uncertainty followed in October, on
                         last week that it would provide CAD41.5mn  news that Husky was being taken over by Ceno-
                         ($32.4mn) worth of funding for Husky Energy’s  vus Energy. A day after that announcement,
                         stalled West White Rose project. The offshore  Husky confirmed that construction on the pro-
                         project becomes the first to be funded under the  ject would not resume in 2021, and that further
                         Oil and Gas Industry Recovery Assistance Fund,  work to review the project would be needed after
                         which was set up to offer support to operators  the Cenovus acquisition closes in the first quar-
                         battered by low oil prices and the coronavirus  ter of next year.
       Husky suspended   (COVID-19) pandemic.                   Cenovus commented in October, saying that
       construction on     In a December 3 statement, the Newfound-  West White Rose was key to extending the life
       infrastructure for West   land and Labrador government said the funding  of the White Rose field, but that all options –
       White Rose in March   for West White Rose equated to 50% of total pro-  including accelerated abandonment – remained
       amid the first wave of   ject costs. It will be used to maintain jobs in the  on the table.
       COVID-19 in Canada.  nearer term as well as to allow for the option of   The injection of provincial cash into West
                         restarting work on the project in 2022 if market  White Rose is expected to help maintain 331 jobs
                         conditions are favourable.           in Newfoundland and Labrador, with Husky
                           This comes after Husky suspended con-  set to match the Newfoundland and Labrador
                         struction on infrastructure for West White  government’s funding. However, a day after the
                         Rose in March amid the first wave of COVID-  funding was announced, dozens of workers at
                         19 in Canada. The company subsequently  the West White Rose construction site in Argen-
                         re-prioritised its capital expenditure budget  tia received layoff notices, according to CBC
                         owing to the oil industry downturn, saying  News. Meanwhile, the workforce at a related site
                         in September that it would review the scope,  in Marystown is reported to be growing.™

       Week 49   10•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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