Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 17

NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            at $985mn is evidence of our success on   the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) or
                                           this front, despite continued pressure on   any other applicable existing trading market
       Talos Energy announces              commodity prices compared to pre-COVID   for the common shares in Canada or the
                                                                                United States (ATM offering). The formal
       successful borrowing base           borrowing base redetermination process,   establishment of the ATM programme,
                                             In conjunction with the company’s fall
                                                                                which is effective for a 25-month period, is
       redetermination results,            Talos elected to complete an audit of its   consistent with the intent to do so announced
                                           reserves as of September 30, 2020 to update
                                                                                by the company in conjunction with its
       updated audited reserves            its previously disclosed pro forma, unaudited   decision to proceed with Keystone XL in
                                           reserves as of June 30, 2020. Additionally,
                                                                                March 2020. While not a component of the
       figures and revised fourth-         below are sensitivity tables providing PV-10   company’s base funding plan, it provides
                                           values highlighting substantially higher
                                                                                additional financial flexibility in support of
       quarter 2020 operational            reserve values at increasing oil prices   TC Energy’s consolidated credit metrics and
                                                                                capital program, including the Keystone XL
                                           relative to the September 30, 2020 SEC price
       and financial guidance              assumptions.                         pipeline project, and may be activated if and
                                             As of September 30, 2020, Talos had
                                                                                as deemed appropriate.
       Talos Energy today announced that its   proved reserves of 177.6mn boe, comprised   TC ENERGY, December 07, 2020
       borrowing base has been successfully   of 68% oil, 75% liquids and 76% was proved
       reaffirmed at its current level of $985mn   developed. The PV-10 of proved reserves   Third Coast Midstream
       following the company’s semi-annual   was approximately $2.4bn. The reserves and
       redetermination process. Separately, Talos   associated PV-10 are audited by NSAI and   announces sale of its
       provided updated reserves figures as of   are fully burdened by and net of all plugging
       September 30, 2020 audited by Netherland,   and abandonment costs associated with the   East Texas gathering and
       Sewell & Associates, Inc. (NSAI) as well as   properties included in the reserves report.
       updated operational and financial guidance   TALOS ENERGY, December 07, 2020  processing business to J.
       for the fourth quarter of 2020.
         The borrowing base under the company’s                                 Global Energy Midstream
       reserves-based lending facility has been   MIDSTREAM
       reaffirmed at its current level of $985mn. As                            Third Coast Midstream today announced that
       of November 30, 2020, Talos maintained over   TC Energy establishes      on December 4, 2020, a subsidiary completed
       $300mn of liquidity.                                                     the sale of its East Texas gathering, processing,
         President and chief executive officer   at-the-market equity           and fractionation business (3CM East Texas)
       Timothy S. Duncan commented: “Consistent                                 to J. Global Energy Midstream. 3CM East
       with the redetermination process in the   programme                      Texas consists of  a 710-mile oil and gas
       spring, our bank group has once again shown                              gathering system, a 23-mile inbound liquids
       strong support for our business despite the   TC Energy today announced that it   pipeline and a 12-mile outbound liquids
       challenging macro-economic conditions   has established an at-the-market equity   pipeline, three cryogenic gas processing
       and unique circumstances the Company   programme (ATM programme) that allows   plants with a combined 50mn cubic feet per
       has experienced this year. Our 2020 capital   the company to issue common shares   day of capacity, a 11,300 bpd of fractionation
       program was focused on lower-risk, shorter-  from treasury (common shares) having an   capacity, 4,000 bpd of trucking capacity, and a
       cycle projects that provided impactful   aggregate gross sales price of up to CAD1.0bn,   rail system, which connects to Union Pacific,
       conversions to our Proved Developed   or its US dollar equivalent, to the public from   that has 3,000 bpd of rail capacity.
       Producing reserves and immediately   time to time, at the company’s discretion,   “Third Coast Midstream is pleased to
       bolstered the collateral value of our business.   at the prevailing market price when sold   announce the sale of 3CM East Texas to J.
       The reaffirmation of the borrowing base   through the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX),   Global,” stated Matt Rowland, President
                                                                                and Chief Executive Officer of Third Coast
                                                                                Midstream. “This sale is one of the final steps
                                                                                in Third Coast Midstream’s plan to divest its
                                                                                onshore assets and focus on its core Gulf of
                                                                                Mexico midstream infrastructure business. I
                                                                                would also like to congratulate the J. Global
                                                                                team on the acquisition. We look forward
                                                                                to working with them to ensure a smooth
                                                                                  “This has been a fantastic opportunity for
                                                                                J. Global Energy Midstream LLC which will
                                                                                be led by Avery Plank, who has accepted the
                                                                                challenge to develop this new venture. The
                                                                                acquisition of the East Texas gathering and
                                                                                processing facilities represents a tremendous
                                                                                value to the shareholders and has greatly
                                                                                enhanced our capacity in supply and trading

       Week 49   10•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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