Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 49
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                is better aligned to take advantage of the
                                                                                terminals’ strengths. This should create more
                                                                                growth opportunities for the operations and
                                                                                provide employees with more resources to
                                                                                ensure their continued growth and success as
                                                                                  “We are excited to finalise the acquisition
                                                                                of the Texas City NuStar Terminal,” said
                                                                                Michael (Mike) Suder, CEO of BWC
                                                                                Terminals. “This terminal complements our
                                                                                network of high-quality terminal storage of
                                                                                hydrocarbons, chemicals, renewables, and
                                                                                agricultural products across North America.
                                                                                The addition provides increased growth
                                                                                opportunities in the Gulf Coast Region to
       with our commercial partners worldwide,”   and beginning to fund our investments and   optimise and further develop our operational
       said Cristiano Costa, chief executive officer of   distribution from cash flow from operations.   capabilities in support of the supply chain
       J. Global Energy Holdings.          Along with these wins and a 2021 organic   needs of our customers.”
       THIRD COAST MIDSTREAM, December 07, 2020  capital programme focused mainly on well   NUSTAR ENERGY, December 07, 2020
                                           connections, we expect Noble Midstream
       Noble Midstream Partners            to generate sizable cash flow in excess of   DOWNSTREAM
                                           capital expenditures in 2021 and enable the
       completes integration and           partnership to reduce debt and protect the   HOPA & REV LNG usher in
                                           balance sheet.”
       development plans with              NOBLE MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, December 08,   LNG bunkering at Port of
       new affiliate

       Noble Midstream Partners announced that   NuStar Energy closes           Hamilton, a first on the
       the partnership has successfully integrated   on sale of its Texas City   Great Lakes
       its business into its new affiliate, Chevron
       Corporation. Chevron has announced its   terminals to BWC Terminals      Yesterday, for the first time ever on the Great
       capital and exploratory budget for 2021,                                 Lakes, a marine vessel refueled with liquefied
       with activity planned on Noble Midstream   for $106mn                    natural gas (LNG). Carrying a load of asphalt,
       dedicated acreage in both the DJ and                                     the MV Damia Desgagnés docked at the
       Delaware basins.                    NuStar Energy announced today that it has   Port of Hamilton’s Pier 22 to refuel before
         On Noble Midstream’s dedicated acreage,   closed on the sale of its terminals in Texas   departing for Detroit. As a result of a new
       the partnership anticipates Chevron activity   City, Texas, to BWC Terminals for $106mn.   partnership between the Hamilton-Oshawa
       to be primarily in the DJ Basin, where there   The companies first announced this sale on   Port Authority and REV LNG, marine vessels
       is significant backbone infrastructure in   November 2, 2020.            will now be able to refuel with liquefied
       place. As a result, Noble Midstream expects   “While it was a difficult decision, this   natural gas during any stopover at Hamilton
       to allocate the majority of its 2021 organic   divestiture allows us to deploy the proceeds   Port. This is a major milestone in the energy
       capital program to well connections with   to further improve our debt metrics and   evolution of the Great Lakes marine shipping
       minimal larger-scale facility spending. Noble   self-fund a larger proportion of our capital   industry, which is looking for new ways to
       Midstream plans to provide a detailed 2021   program,” said Brad Barron, president and   reduce GHGs and advance environmental
       investment program and guidance after its   CEO of NuStar.               goals.
       third-party customer base finalises activity   “And while the Texas City terminals are   “As a founding member of the Green
       plans and the Partnership receives Board   great assets with outstanding operations   Marine programme, we are always looking for
       approval early in the first-quarter 2021.  and employees, the location and unique   new ways to support improved environmental
         In its equity method investments, Noble   configuration of these terminals were no   performance. This offering to our shipping
       Midstream does not anticipate any material   longer synergistic with NuStar’s strategies   customers will keep HOPA at the forefront,”
       capital outlays next year. The Partnership   for our other Gulf Coast assets,” Barron   said Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority CEO
       anticipates growing full-year run rate   added. “For this reason, we determined that   Ian Hamilton. “We look forward to continuing
       cash flow contribution in 2021 from the   the best path forward for the continued   to find new ways to support improving
       intermediate and long-haul assets brought   success of these facilities and NuStar was to   air quality, reducing GHGs, and working
       online or acquired this year.       allow them to be acquired by an entity that   collaboratively with Canadian and US marine
         Robin Fielder, president and CEO of   can take advantage of the terminals’ niche   and energy sector partners to help accelerate
       the partnership stated: “Noble Midstream   petrochemical and petroleum capabilities. We   the adoption of LNG, and spur further fuel
       achieved significant accomplishments this   are pleased that BWC Terminals has just such   innovations. It also aligns with HOPA’s goal to
       year, reducing its cash operating costs by more   a business model.      be carbon neutral by 2025.”
       than 20%, placing multiple major equity-  “And the Texas City employees are now a   HOPA PORTS, December 10, 2020
       method investment pipelines into full service,   part of a company with a business plan that

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   10•December•2020
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