Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 49
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           Calfrac announces 2021               government and commercial customer base
       SERVICES                                                                 able to continue to provide its extensive
       Gordon Technologies                 capital programme                    across the Pacific Northwest with a reliable
                                                                                supply of Neste MY Renewable Diesel at a
       announces acquisition               Calfrac Well Services is announcing its   competitive price.
                                                                                  Neste, the world’s largest producer of
                                           2021 capital programme of approximately
       of Lodestar International           $55.0 million, which consists primarily of   renewable diesel and sustainable aviation
                                                                                fuel, was one of the first companies to
                                           maintenance capital expenditures.
       & MaxWell Downhole                  operating officer, commented: “Our 2021   introduce renewable diesel into Oregon after
                                              Lindsay Link, Calfrac’s president and chief
                                                                                the state adopted its Clean Fuels Program.
       Technology                          budget represents the allocation of capital to   Neste MY Renewable Diesel delivers up to
                                           critical component investments along with
                                                                                80% less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
       Gordon Technologies is pleased to announce   targeted improvements to our operating fleet   over its life cycle when compared with fossil
       the acquisition of Lodestar International   through dual-fuel conversion kits in North   diesel. Additionally, the fuel is shown to
       and its wholly owned subsidiary MaxWell   America. We continue to observe improved   deliver superior performance and reduce
       Downhole Technology. Lodestar is an   market conditions in all operating areas,   maintenance costs.
       independent manufacturer and service   and will monitor opportunities to improve   “This new, long term partnership with
       provider of downhole dynamics-while-  utilisation and returns on our active fleet   Carson is part of our commitment to bring
       drilling (DWD) measurement tools, which   before considering further additions to our   more renewable diesel into Oregon,” says
       are critical to the realization of continued   footprint.”               Carrie Song, vice president for Renewable
       drilling efficiencies and optimization.   CALFRAC WELL SERVICES, December 07, 2020  Road Transport for Neste in North America.
       Lodestar’s flagship products, the I-SUB and                              “We are proud to play our part in helping
       I-STRING, provide a wide range of drilling                               keep the state’s vitally important large, heavy
       measurements throughout the drill string and   ENERGY TRANSITION         road vehicles – whether they are big rigs,
       at the drill bit. Lodestar has a service, repair                         emergency response vehicles, or construction
       and maintenance facility in Kyle, TX and   Carson-Neste partnership      equipment – moving with less greenhouse gas
       an international service and R&D facility in                             emissions and pollution.”
       Aberdeen, UK.                       makes it easier for cities             Jeff Rouse, Carson’s VP of Business
         The Lodestar transaction represents                                    Development, agrees: “Through our
       Gordon’s second acquisition this year as the   and businesses to reduce   partnership with Neste we’ve hit upon not just
       company previously acquired Noralis in July.                             a quality fuel that’s good for the environment,
       Terry Frith, president and founder of Gordon   greenhouse gas emissions  but a fuel that is good for our customers’
       stated, “Lodestar is a leading downhole,                                 equipment and fleets as well.”
       DWD provider with a full suite of DWD   As part of its commitment to provide   Neste MY Renewable Diesel is made from
       measurements, including weight-on-bit   sustainable products to its customers, Carson   renewable and sustainably sourced waste
       (WOB), torque-on-bit (TOB) and bending.   has long sought a reliable, permanent source   materials such as used cooking oil and grease,
       Vibration management is a key focus area for   of renewable diesel fuel to help its customers   not crude oil. The company collects this
       our customers and Lodestar’s technology is   affordably comply with regulations designed   waste from thousands of hotels, restaurants,
       highly complementary to Gordon and Noralis’  to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in   stadiums and other venues with industrial
       existing technology offering. We are looking   Oregon’s transportation sector.  kitchens across North America. Renewable
       forward to working with the Lodestar team   Today, Carson is proud to announce   diesel is different from other biofuels, as it
       in the continued development of their data   that it has achieved this goal by extending   can be safely used either in neat form with no
       visualisation software and real-time product   its renewable diesel agreement with Neste   engine modifications.
       offering.”                          – expanding it into a multi-year contract.   CARSON AND NESTE, December 08, 2020
       GORDON TECHNOLOGIES, December 07, 2020  Through this partnership, Carson will be

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