Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 15

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       88 Energy prepares to drill at Project

       Peregrine following farm-out

        ALASKA           AUSTRALIA-BASED 88 Energy is making pro-  the prospective conventional Nanushuk topset
                         gress with its Project Peregrine development in  horizons, which are located on trend to existing
                         the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-  discoveries to the north of the Project Peregrine
                         A) on the state’s North Slope. Over the past week  area. Indeed, the Project Peregrine leases are
                         it emerged that the company had farmed out a  located around 35 km south of ConocoPhillips’
                         50% stake in the project to Alaska Peregrine  Willow oil discovery, which holds an estimated
                         Development Co. (APDC), and had executed  450-800mn barrels of oil equivalent (boe).
                         the contract to drill the Merlin-1 and Harrier-1   APDC is a special purpose investment vehi-
                         wells at the development.            cle that was organised specifically for the devel-
       The Project Peregrine   These moves reportedly put 88 Energy on  opment of Project Peregrine. It consists of a
       leases are located   track for its scheduled spud date of February  consortium of private US entities managed by
       around 35 km south of   2021, assuming the remaining permitting and  individuals, some of whom own existing busi-
       ConocoPhillips’ Willow   planning proceed as expected.  nesses on the North Slope. APDC will cover
       oil discovery.      The contract for the two wells was executed  most of the costs associated with the Merlin-1
                         with All American Oilfield, for the use of Rig 111.  well, contributing $11.3mn of the well’s total esti-
                         The lightweight workover rig can be transported  mated gross cost of $12.6mn.
                         off-road in pieces by tundra-safe track vehicles   The push to drill at Project Peregrine comes
                         along snow trails and gravel roads, which means  as 88 Energy has reduced its stake at Project
                         that 88 Energy does not need to construct an ice  Icewine on the central North Slope to 25%. The
                         road to the drilling location.       company said separately that it was in the process
                           Both wells are set to be drilled to a total depth  of negotiating a farm-out for remaining leases
                         of around 6,000 feet (1,829 metres) and intersect  around the recently drilled Charlie-1 well.™

       Cheniere reportedly loads commissioning

       cargo from Corpus Christi Train 3

        US GULF COAST    LEADING US LNG exporter Cheniere Energy
                         has reportedly loaded the commissioning cargo
                         from the third liquefaction train at its Cor-
                         pus Christi terminal in Texas. Zacks Equity
                         Research reported on December 9 that the cargo
                         was loaded onto the La Mancha Knutsen LNG
                         tanker, marking the 200th cargo loading on that
                         tanker from Corpus Christi LNG.
                           Cheniere said in early November that it had  suggest that a final investment decision (FID) on
                         begun commissioning the third train at Corpus  this new stage has become less of a priority in
                         Christi, with the unit set to enter commercial  the short term. Instead, the company is expected
                         service sometime in the first quarter of 2021. The  to focus on lining up offtake agreements for
                         company has brought the in-service date for-  additional LNG it can produce from its existing
                         ward, having originally planned to bring Train  trains.
                         3 online in the second half of 2021.   Separately, it was reported this week that
                           Corpus Christi is the first greenfield LNG  Sabine Pass Liquefaction, a unit of Cheniere
                         export terminal to be built in the US, with the  Energy Partners, had agreed to sell up to 30
                         other export facilities to have been built to date  cargoes to Cheniere Marketing International
                         involving conversions from existing import  in 2021. The cargoes would be priced at a rate
                         capacity. The three trains at Corpus Christi each  equivalent to 115% of Henry Hub natural gas
                         have a capacity of 4.5mn tonnes per year (tpy).  futures plus a premium of $0.728 per million
                           Cheniere is proposing another phase of  British thermal units ($20.14 per 1,000 cubic
                         expansion at the plant, involving a different  metres), Cheniere Energy Partners said in a fil-
                         design and seven mid-scale trains with a com-  ing with the US Securities and Exchange Com-
                         bined capacity of 10mn tpy. Recent comments   mission (SEC).™

       Week 49   10•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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