Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                     INVESTMENT                                         NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Chevron anticipates
                                                                                                  boosting spending on
                                                                                                  regions including the
                                                                                                  Permian Basin in the
                                                                                                  medium term.

       Chevron follows ExxonMobil in capex cut

        GLOBAL           CHEVRON followed rival super-major Exxon-  undertake things where we think our unique set
                         Mobil in announcing a cut to its capital expend-  of technical, operating and financial capabilities
                         iture budget last week. This comes as both large  allow us to do things that are large, complex,
                         and small producers are looking to 2021 – and  at scale and things that aren’t necessarily easily
                         beyond – and independents can be expected to  done by others.”
                         follow the super-majors’ leads in announcing   Chevron’s energy transition goals are thus
                         scaled-back spending plans over the coming  linked to reducing methane leaks and emissions
                         weeks.                               intensity from its oil and gas production. But this
                           Chevron said on December 3 – three days  leaves the company able to increase its overall
                         after ExxonMobil’s capex plans were unveiled  emissions as its output grows.
                         – that its 2021 capital and exploratory spending   “We favour action over pledges,” Wirth said.
                         programme would total $14bn. It added that its  “Long-dated pledges where we really don’t know
                         longer-term capex guidance over 2022-25 was  how we’ll get to the end of the road are something
                         $14-16bn. This is down from a previous pro-  that we’ve been a little bit careful about.” The
                         jection of $19-22bn, which excluded the assets  comments appear to relate to European rivals
                         Chevron had acquired through its takeover of  setting long-term targets of net-zero emissions.
                         Noble Energy earlier this year. Chevron unveiled   In 2021, Chevron anticipates spending
                         2020 capex guidance of $20bn this time last  around 17% of its upstream capital in the Per-
                         year before subsequently scaling back its plans  mian Basin, 56% across international assets and
                         after the oil and gas industry entered its latest  the remaining 26% on other US assets.  Chevron will
                         downturn.                              Looking ahead to 2022-25, Chevron expects
                           “Chevron remains committed to capital dis-  capital spending on an expansion of its Tengiz   not be following
                         cipline with a 2021 capital budget and longer-  project in Kazakhstan to decrease, freeing up
                         term capital outlook that are well below our prior  funds to ramp up investments in assets closer to  European super-
                         guidance,” stated Chevron’s chairman and CEO,  home. The company said it anticipated increas-
                         Michael Wirth. “With our major restructuring  ing investment in various “advantaged assets”  majors in pivoting
                         behind us and Noble Energy integration on  over this period, including the Permian Basin,   away from oil and
                         track, we’re prepared to execute this programme  other unconventional plays and the Gulf of
                         with discipline.”                    Mexico.                              gas and towards
                           The super-major said it would continue to   “As that project [Tengiz] completes, we’ve
                         prioritise investments that are “expected to grow  got additional capital spending then that will   renewables.
                         long-term value and deliver higher returns and  move into other unconventional opportunities
                         lower carbon”. It added that this would include  in Argentina, in the US and in Canada, and in the
                         over $300mn worth of investments aimed at  deepwater Gulf of Mexico,” Wirth said.
                         advancing the energy transition in 2021. How-  Some parallels can be drawn between
                         ever, Chevron will not be following European  Chevron and ExxonMobil here, with the lat-
                         super-majors in pivoting away from oil and gas  ter also saying it would prioritise spending
                         and towards renewables.              on a handful of assets including its operations
                           “We’ve not chosen to do things such as wind  in the Permian. But Chevron appears to have
                         and solar where there are strong, well-estab-  more a focus on its entire US portfolio, which
                         lished players,” Wirth told Bloomberg TV. “We  now includes the assets it acquired through its
                         don’t really have an advantage. We intend to  merger with Noble.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   10•December•2020
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