Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 49
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Tough times for Alberta

       Alberta’s oil producers are battling to survive a particularly

       challenging year, and the province is now considering ways

       to embrace greener industries, with implications for the
       provincial oil industry’s future

        ALBERTA          THIS year has, unsurprisingly, been an extremely  prevailing market conditions meant that the
                         challenging one for Alberta, whose embattled oil  new government struggled to boost the indus-
       WHAT:             and gas industry was already struggling before  try. Indeed, it initially extended mandatory
       Alberta’s oil producers   the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic exac-  provincial oil production curbs put in place by
       are facing an increasingly   erbated the latest collapse in crude prices. The  the previous New Democratic Party (NDP) gov-
       uncertain future.  combination of restrictions related to COVID-  ernment, even as it lowered the level of required
                         19 and the oil price downturn are expected to  curtailments. The decision was a bid to keep
       WHY:              result in the province’s economy contracting by  propping up Western Canadian Select (WCS)
       They were hit hard by this   8.1% this year – the most on record. Indeed, new  crude prices. The Alberta government finally
       year’s industry downturn,   COVID-19 restrictions announced this week  decided in late October 2020 that it would lift
       and now the province is   threaten to slow oil industry recovery efforts.  the curbs one month ahead of schedule, at the
       exploring ways to develop   Meanwhile, the province is increasingly  start of December 2020, as around 16% of the
       greener industries.  exploring how it can embrace greener indus-  province’s production remained offline. Out-
                         tries as the energy transition picks up pace. This  put shut-ins, largely related to COVID-19 and
       WHAT NEXT:        is thought by some to pose a threat to the very  its impact on oil demand and prices, tempo-
       The latest surge in   existence of Alberta’s oil industry, though others  rarily helped to ease pipeline congestion in the
       COVID-19 infections is   contend that oil and green industries can co-ex-  province.
       resulting in new lockdown   ist and even complement each other.  In a rare piece of good news for Alberta’s
       measures, which could                                  producers, Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement pipe-
       complicate the industry’s   Heavy hit                  line project recently received its final clear-
       recovery.         At the start of 2020, there were already warn-  ance to cross northern Minnesota. The Line 3
                         ings that Alberta’s oil industry – a major part of  replacement segments that cross Canada, North
                         which is comprised of oil sands megaprojects –  Dakota and Wisconsin are already complete,
                         was in for another tough year. Oil prices had still  leaving only the 337-mile (542-km) stretch in
                         not fully recovered from the last price collapse,  Minnesota. This puts the project comparatively
                         which began in 2014, and new takeaway capac-  close to completion, and means that takeaway
                         ity expansion projects continued to face delays,  capacity constraints will not be as much of a
                         adding further downward pressure on regional  pressing issue for some time, especially given
                         crude prices.                        that work on the Trans Mountain expansion
                           The United Conservative Party’s (UCP) vic-  project to the British Columbia coast is also
                         tory at the provincial polls in 2019 was seen as  under way.
                         a positive for the Alberta energy industry, but   Even with more takeaway capacity options

       Week 49   10•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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