Page 16 - FSUOGM Week 27 2021
P. 16

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Minister Alexey Sazanov, the Finance   countries and given them a reason to create   court suspended the Agency’s decision.
       Ministry (MinFin) is ready to discuss tax   an alliance and form financial ties ... that   In other news, Vitrenko told Interfax-
       breaks on high-viscosity oil (HVO) that   allow them to evade those sanctions,"   Ukraine that Naftogaz might consider
       would take effect from 2024. Both Lukoil   he said. "Any individual country being   issuing a new Eurobond this autumn. He
       (Russia's second-largest oil producer) and   sanctioned could be punished, but together   said that this issue might be important for
       Tatneft have conveyed that there could be   they have the ability to conduct back   optimising the company’s debt portfolio and
       an agreement before 2024, especially given   trading."                   raising new funds for investments.
       where the oil price is currently.      The Biden administration is potentially   Naftogaz made an unsuccessful attempt
         While this makes forecasting Tatneft’s   on the verge of removing US sanctions   to issue new dollar bonds and partially
       dividends more challenging, Sova Capital   on Iran's oil, petrochemical and shipping   repurchase existing bonds in October. Its
       cuts the target price on Tatneft's shares from   sectors if it strikes a an agreement with   plans to issue a new bond in spring 2021
       RUB687 per ordinary share and RUB693   Tehran to rejoin the nuclear deal, or Joint   also failed due to the scandalous reshuffling
       per preferred share to RUB 658/share, but   Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).  of the top management in late April. The
       keeps the Buy rating on the name.                                        company’s next Eurobond, for $335mn,
         "The current weakness makes Tatneft                                    matures in July 2022.
       an attractive buying opportunity for those                                 “As we concluded before, there is
       optimistic that a deal on tax breaks will be   EASTERN EUROPE            no political will in Ukraine to dismiss
       reached," the analysts argue..                                           Vitrenko. As such, the board seems to
                                           Naftogaz supervisory board           be making another step to find common
                                                                                ground with Vitrenko, with whom they had
       Iran, Russia, China part            fails to consider Vitrenko           a public confrontation. So far, the conflict
                                                                                between the CEO and the head of the
       of ‘inadvertent axis of the  dismissal                                   supervisory board did not affect Naftogaz
                                                                                bond prices, leaving a good chance for the
       sanctioned’, US needs               The supervisory board of Naftogaz  at its   company to place a new bond this autumn
                                           meeting on June 24-25 did not consider the
                                                                                or next spring, in order to refinance (or buy
       rethink says think tank             proposal to dismiss CEO Yuriy Vitrenko,   back) the next maturing bond. We remain
                                           Interfax-Ukraine reported on June 30 citing
                                                                                neutral on NAFTO bonds,” an analyst at the
       report                              a statement from the board.          Kyiv-based Concorde Capital brokerage said
                                                                                in a research note.
                                              The board might consider Vitrenko’s
       The US needs to rethink its use of oil and   dismissal at one of its next meetings, the
       other sanctions because the economic   statement said.
       pressure they have generated has pushed   The board also urged the CEO to change   US prepares hydrogen
       China, Iran, Russia and Venezuela into   his Naftogaz' strategy and organisational
       strong trading partnerships with each   structure in the near future.    deal before Merkel and
       other rather than isolating the countries as   Vitrenko, in turn, assured the board
       Washington intended, a Woodrow Wilson   that his proposals would be ready by July 1,   Zelenskiy visits
       International Center for Scholars panel of news site reported.
       international experts has concluded.   Recall, in mid-June, the head of Naftogaz   The US government is preparing a
         James Bosworth, author of the Latin   supervisory board, Clare Spottiswoode,   framework for Ukrainian hydrogen exports
       America Risk Report, was cited by S&P   initiated a board meeting to dismiss   to Germany in time for visits in July by
       Global Platts as saying that the US has   Vitrenko just after the National Agency   German chancellor Angela Merkel and
       inadvertently created an "axis of the   on Corruption Prevention found that   Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
       sanctioned".                        Vitrenko's appointment violated anti-  The proposal would include using Ukraine’s
         "We've pushed together the sanctioned   corruption legislation. Later on, a local   existing gas transit system to transport

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   07•July•2021
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