Page 14 - FSUOGM Week 27 2021
P. 14

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Azerbaijan’s mystery Caspian

       explosion was a mud volcano

        AZERBAIJAN       A blast in the Caspian Sea seen from Baku and   They added the volcano does not pose a
                         heard further down in Iran has been identified  threat to offshore oil and gas infrastructure and
       Azerbaijan is home to   as a mud volcano explosion, Report said on  other facilities, as well as human life.
       nearly a third of the   July 5.                          The island off the coast of Azerbaijan was first
       world's 1,700 mud   Initial reports on social media from Azerbai-  reported by Russian Imperial explorers in the
       volcanoes.        jan said a gas explosion at an offshore drilling rig  1800s but has been avoided by successive gov-
                         or pipeline was the source of the large explosion  ernments due to its changing topography.
                         heard hundreds of miles away, but this was later   Azerbaijan's State Oil and Gas Company
                         denied by the Azerbaijani authorities when the  (SOCAR) said the late night eruption had not
                         location was discovered as an offshore mud vol-  impaired infrastructure, which "proceeds oper-
                         cano was named as the culprit.       ating normally".
                           "Early this morning, reconnaissance flights   Azerbaijan is home to nearly a third of the
                         were carried out in the Caspian Sea with the help  world's 1,700 mud volcanoes, both underground
                         of a helicopter of the Ministry's Aviation Detach-  and underwater.
                         ment. According to preliminary observations, a   There were initial fears of a similar incident to
                         mud volcano erupted on Dashli Ada, about 30  the fatal one that occured at a SOCAR-operated
                         kilometres from the coast in the direction of the  platform at the Gunashli field. A fire broke out at
                         Salyan district,” authorities said.  the platform, resulting in 30 deaths.™

       BP draws up environmental

       assessment for SWAP drilling

        AZERBAIJAN       BP has produced an environmental assess-  (PSA) with Azerbaijan’s state-owned SOCAR to
                         ment (ESIA) for drilling at the Shallow Water  explore SWAP back in 2014. The contract area
       BP had hoped to kick   Absheron Peninsula (SWAP) area, APA reported  lies along the margins of the Caspian Basin to
       off drilling in 2019.  on July 1.                      the south of the Absheron Peninsula, covering
                            The ESIA examines the potential environ-  waters 40 metres deep.
                         mental and socio-economic impacts of the   The IOC shot 3D seismic surveys at the site in
                         exploration drilling activities and describes the  2016, but did not shore up drilling plans until late
                         recommended mitigation measures.     2018, following a modest recovery in oil prices.
                            Three areas have been identified as part of the   BP had initially hoped to start drilling in 2019
                         project including exploration and drilling–with  but it had to wait until the Kazakhstan-owned
                         one well to be explored in each area, making  Satti jack-up rig had undergone upgrades.
                         three wells.                         According to BP’s latest update, drilling is
                            BP signed a production-sharing agreement  expected to start at some point this year. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   07•July•2021
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