Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 27 2021
P. 18

FSUOGM                         NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        FSUOGM

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  flow 115,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  (boepd). Some 260mn boe will be recovered
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  in total during its lifetime.
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their   Linge was originally led by Total, now
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG's new  known as TotalEnergies. The French major
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  had sought to bring it into production in
                         link for each section the full text will be available  2016, and there were a number of reasons
                         as before.                           for the subsequent delays. First there was the
                                                              geological complexity of the high-pressure,
                         AfrOil: Nigeria Passes PIB At Long Last  high-temperature field, which led to TotalEn-
                         Both houses of Nigeria’s National Assembly  ergies encountering unexpected difficulties.
                         voted on July 1 to pass the Petroleum Industry
                         Bill (PIB), which will serve as the country’s new  GLNG: Crown LNG Picks Aker For Indian
                         oil and gas law. The legislation will now be sent to  Project
                         President Muhammadu Buhari, who is expected  Norway’s Crown LNG has picked compatriot
                         to sign it into law in the near future.  Aker Solutions to serve as main contractor
                            The passage of the PIB marks the success-  in the development of a liquefied natural gas
                         ful conclusion of a long and arduous campaign  (LNG) terminal offshore India’s south-eastern
                         to reform the legal regime governing oil and  state of Andhra Pradesh.
                         gas operations. The existing body of law is still   Crown said on July 5 that Aker Solutions
                         largely based on the Petroleum Profit Tax (PPT)  would first conduct the front-end engineering
                         Act of 1959 and the Petroleum Act of 1969, and  and design (FEED) for the 7.2mn tonne per
                         previous efforts to replace these laws failed mul-  year (tpy) LNG terminal, which will be located
                         tiple times.                         around 11 km offshore Kakinda City, before
                                                              taking on the role as the project’s engineering,
                         AsianOil: Sacgasco Expands Into Philip-  procurement, construction, installation and
                         pine Upstream                        commissioning (EPCIC) contractor once a final
                         Australian junior Sacgasco has expanded its  investment decision (FID) has been made.
                         upstream portfolio after acquiring interests in
                         four licences offshore the Philippines from Thai  LatAmOil: ExxonMobil Drills Dry Hole At Ja-
                         energy conglomerate Bangchak.        billo-1
                            Sacgasco said on July 5 that it had paid $1  ExxonMobil (US) has experienced a disap-
                         for BCP Energy International (BCPEI), which  pointment at Canje, a deepwater block off-
                         wholly owns Nido Petroleum. Nido operates  shore Guyana, as it did not find commercial
                         service contracts (SC) 54A with 42.4% and SC  quantities of hydrocarbons in the Jabillo-1
                         58 with 50%, and also owns 22.88% of SC 14C2  well.
                         and 2.7% of SC 6B.                     According to Canada’s Eco (Atlantic) Oil
                                                              & Gas, an indirect shareholder in the pro-
                         DMEA: Pipeline Promise In Africa     ject, the exploration well was able to test
                         This week’s DMEA looks at a proposal for a  the designated target layers – namely Upper
                         major new pipeline to increase energy security  Cretaceous reservoirs in a stratigraphic trap.
                         in Zimbabwe and the securing of crude feed-  However, the company said in a statement,
                         stock for a new refinery.            Jabillo-1 “did not show evidence of commer-
                            UK-registered Coven Energy has proposed  cial hydrocarbons.” As such, it will be plugged
                         the construction of a $850mn fuel pipeline to  and abandoned.
                         provide greater energy security to Zimbabwe,
                         which is heavily reliant on the Beira-Feruka  MEOG: Omani Sale And Iraqi Exits
                         link.                                This week’s MEOG looks at the proposed
                            The second link is seen providing a more  sale of the drilling arm of Oman’s state oil
                         cost-effective  alternative,  through  which  firm and more majors heading for the door
                         around 90% of Zimbabwe’s fuel is supplied.  in Iraq.
                                                                Omani NOC OQ is reported to be con-  See the archive and
                         Euroil: Martin Linge Finally Online  sidering the sale of its Abraj Energy Services   sign up to receive
                         Norway’s Equinor has at long last commis-  drilling unit as part of efforts to aid the Sul-  *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                         sioned the Martin Linge gas field, a trou-  tanate’s economic recovery from the corona-  for free by email each
                         bled project that is arriving five years behind  virus (COVID-19) pandemic.  week here
                         schedule and at double its original cost.  Sources were quoted by Reuters as saying
                            Equinor announced the launch on June  that the potential sale is part of OQ’s broader
                         30, estimating that the North Sea field would  divestment plans.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   07•July•2021
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