Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 27 2021
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FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       RUSSIA                              positive economic effect from the potential   company-specific drivers and potential
                                           asset purchase.                      geopolitical shifts will provide the catalysts
       Lukoil to take the reins at         month Tatneft said it will acquire 100% of   for a further appreciation in Russian gas
                                              As reported by bne IntelliNews, last
                                                                                stocks relative to oils.
       Area 4                              the Ekopet PET plant in Kaliningrad region   investment appeal has been rapidly
                                                                                  Regardless of ESG, Gazprom's
                                           from the "bad assets" of Trust Bank for
       Russia’s Lukoil is slated to acquire a 50%   RUB6.45bn ($87.8mn). Ekopet is the largest   improving, supported by soaring prices,
       stake in the production-sharing agreement   polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plant   bullish gas demand and improved dividend
       (PSA) covering Area 4, located offshore   in Russia and Europe, with a capacity of   payments. Novatek is Russia's leading
       Campeche State in the southern Gulf of   0.22mn tonnes per year (tpy).   developer of liquefied natural gas (LNG)
       Mexico, from the site’s current operator   VTB Capital (VTBC) estimated that   projects.
       PetroBAL, a subsidiary of Mexico’s   TAIF-NK might generate a refining margin   It is expected that rising CO2 prices,
       GrupoBAL.                           of $23 per tonne in 2021 versus $37/tonne   coupled with the hot weather this summer
         The Russian company announced the   by Tatneft’s Taneko.               in Europe (after the cold winter this year,
       acquisition in a statement dated July 5,   In order to improve the refining margin,   which resulted in a tangible recovery in
       saying it had signed an agreement with   the plant needs to be modernised by   gas demand, partly covered by gas from
       PetroBAL on the project. The agreement   constructing and commissioning secondary   storage) and declining LNG supplies, will
       provides for Lukoil to become the operator   refining capacities, which would mean   keep gas prices at historical seasonal highs.
       of Area 4 as well as a shareholder in the   additional capital expenditures for Tatneft   VTBC sees the refusal of Gazprom
       PSA, the statement said.            and pressure on the company’s free cash   to book additional transit capacities
         Lukoil estimated the value of     flow.                                through Ukraine as not likely to pose any
       the transaction at $435mn plus any     "We also note that TAIF-NK had a   fundamental risks for the company.
       expenditures incurred this year by the   $1.3bn net debt as of the beginning of 2021.   "However, it might spur spot gas prices
       closing date of the deal. It also noted that   Therefore, all in all we treat the potential   in Europe, which would be positive for
       the asset acquisition would have to be   purchase of the refinery as negative for   Gazprom’s margins, and also help Novatek’s
       approved by Mexico’s government.    Tatneft’s fundamentals, with the respective   earnings (thanks to the spot LNG supplies),
         The deal will allow the Russian major   stock reaction," VTBC wrote, while   although to a lesser extent," the analysts
       to lead development operations within a   maintaining a Hold rating on the company's   argue.
       58-square km area that lies 42 km from   shares.                           The current gas market environment
       shore in waters ranging from 30 to 45   In September 2018 the company    contributes to VTBC's positive stance on
       metres deep. Area 4 contains two oilfields   approved a 2030 strategy, which targeted   Gazprom (which might deliver the highest
       known as Pokoch and Ichalkil. These   more refining and downstream segment   dividend in the sector, of more than 16%
       fields contain some 564mn barrels of oil   exposure, including the construction of a   for 2021) and Novatek (which has the first
       equivalent (boe) in recoverable reserves,   RUB70.6bn gas chemical complex by 2024.  "blue" hydrogen endeavour among domestic
       with crude oil accounting for 80% of the   But the shares of Tatneft have   peers).
       total.                              underperformed the market mostly on
         PetroBAL acquired the right to develop   disappointment with its dividend payouts.
       the block in 2016, when it signed the                                    Tatneft depends on tax
       PSA, which has a term of 25 years and an
       option for a 10-year extension. It has said   CO2 prices supportive      break regulation
       it wants to develop the licence area in three
       stages, the first of which is due to begin   for Russian gas majors      The shares of Russian oil regional oil major
       production in the third quarter of this year.                            Tatneft of the Tatarstan republic have
       Output levels will eventually peak at around   Gazprom and Novatek       underperformed the market mostly on
       115,000 boe per day (boepd).                                             disappointment with its dividend payouts,
         Vagit Alekperov, the president of   The CO2 price recovered to €54.20 per   Sova Capital analysts wrote on June 29.
       Lukoil, said he expected the Area 4   tonne ($64.50 per tonne) as of June 29, VTB   As reported by bne IntelliNews, Tartneft
       project to benefit his company. “Lukoil   Capital (VTBC) wrote citing the Bloomberg   is the company most exposed to the
       considers Mexico a strategic region for the   data. Spot gas prices (TTF) rose to $414 per   proposed raising of the Mineral Extraction
       development of our international upstream   1,000 cubic metres, as Gazprom opted not   Tax (MET) on high-viscous oil and other
       operations,” he commented. “The new   to book additional gas transit volumes via   proposed reforms to the taxation of the
       project, where we will be the operator, is   Ukraine for July, according to comments   oil sector. The management estimated the
       notable due to its considerable explored   from Interfax.                losses at RUB80bn ($1bn).
       reserves and significant production    VTBC analysts previously argued that   As a result, the company's dividend
       potential. It naturally complements our   spot gas prices had started to correlate well   payments have been in limbo. It was notably
       existing portfolio of projects in the Gulf of   with the CO2 quotes from early 2020 on the   the first Russian oil company to cancel its
       Mexico.”.                           back of the growing importance of climate-  dividend for 4Q19, citing the impact of the
                                           related issues globally.             coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                                              The CO2 prices have been rising steadily   Sova now new estimates that Tatneft will
       Tatneft could spend more in         since the end of 2020, currently being close   pay 50% of IFRS net income for 2021-2023
                                                                                and then switch back to paying out 100%
                                           to the historical high recorded in May
       downstream                          2021. Thus VTBC continues "to emphasise   of free cash flow (FCF) from 2024, with the
                                                                                return to paying out 100% of FCF seen as
                                           our preference to gas names Gazprom and
       Russian regional oil major Tatneft of   Novatek vs. oil names in the sector".  a potential positive trigger for the stock.
       the Tatarstan republic could consider   As followed by bne IntelliNews, VTBC   However, it should depend on coming to an
       purchasing the TAIF-NK refinery (part of   previously argued that Gazprom and   agreement with the Russian government on
       TAIF) in Nizhnekamsk (Tatarstan), should   Novatek have a fundamental advantage   tax breaks.
       it receive an appropriate offer and there is a   in terms of ESG, which coupled with   According to comments from Deputy

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