Page 17 - FSUOGM Week 27 2021
P. 17

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       the hydrogen fuel to Western Europe.   cautious increase in OPEC+ oil production   Meanwhile, the cost of a barrel of Brent reported on June 26 that   quotas amid rising economic activity, but   Dated oil, produced in the North Sea grew
       progress on the talks ahead of offering the   its own production plans for 2021 remained   by 77 cents compared to the previous price
       proposal is uncertain, with sources claiming   unchanged so far, S&P Global Platts   and reached $78.39 per barrel.
       various degrees of success.         reported on June 30, citing energy minister
         The European Investment Bank (EIB)   Nurlan Nogayev.
       and Ukraine’s energy ministry discussed   The minister’s comments came a day   At Least One Dead,
       the development of green hydrogen energy   prior to OPEC+'s scheduled meeting to
       in Ukraine on June 23. The head of the EIB   determine August production quotas and   Five injured in blast at
       Representation in Ukraine, Jean-Eric de   whether to further raise output volumes
       Zagon, said that working on green hydrogen  amid improved global demand.  Romania's largest refinery
       projects with the energy ministry was of   "We believe in a cautious increase
       interest to the EIB.                of oil output because we see that global   At least one person was killed and five
         “The Americans’ plan of pushing for the   [coronavirus] vaccination is paying off and   were injured in an explosion that occurred
       development of green hydrogen exports   businesses are opening up," Nogayev said at   at Romania's Black Sea crude oil refinery
       from Ukraine should be welcomed. It will   a press conference.           Petromidia on July 2, authorities said.
       be hard for any German interest to openly   "We'll deliberate whether it will be from   The cause of the blast has yet to be
       fight against the further introduction of   August or from September-October," he   determined, officials said.
       a more ecological fuel, especially if the   added.                         The refinery is owned by Rompetrol
       Green Party wins the German elections   Kazakhstan's own capacity stands   Rafinare, part of Kazakhstan's
       in September. EIB support means that   at 90mn tonnes of oil and condensate,   KazMunayGas (KMG) International Group.
       financing should be relatively easy to   according to Nogayev, which "can be   Rescue teams and firemen are working
       come by. However, a variety of interests   achieved once OPEC+ gives its approval."  to isolate and put down the fire, said Silviu
       could work against the deal, ranging   So far, Kazakhstan’s output plans for 2021  Cosa, the prefect of Constanta county where
       from pro-gas to pro-Russian to those   stand at 85.3mn tonnes.           Petromidia is located, adding that the fire
       seeing that Germany should build its own                                 poses no risk of causing further blasts.
       hydrogen production capacity. Behind                                       Prime Minister Florin Citu wrote on
       all that, though, is the possibility that   Azeri oil prices grow        his Facebook page that he has instructed
       complacency will set in once the proposed                                government officials to assess whether the
       solution is adopted. Policy and regulatory   The price of Azeri LT CIF Augusta,   evacuation of locals and tourists is needed.
       changes might rile vested interests that   produced at the Azeri-Chirag-Deepwater   Built during communism, Romania's
       the government would sooner not disturb,   Gunashli (ACG) field, rose by 86 cents   largest refinery is located just several
       or they could just drag on. If the deal is   on July 5 compared to the previous price,   kilometers north of the Black Sea port of
       worked out, it will be vital to securing   settling at $78.35 per barrel, Trend reports   Constanta and in the immediate vicinity of
       environmental and political interests, but   referring to the source from the country's   Mamaia, the country's largest sea resort.
       it won’t guarantee that the work afterward   oil and gas market.           Environment Minister Barna Tancos told
       will be done,” an analyst at the Kyiv-based   The price of Azeri LT FOB Ceyhan   the media that while the explosion does
       Concorde Capital brokerage said in a   amounted to $77.71 per barrel on July 5,   not pose an immediate danger due to the
       research note.                      increasing by 85 cents compared to the   direction of the wind, which carried the
                                           previous price.                      black smoke away toward the sea, the risk of
                                              Azerbaijan has been producing Azeri LT   a major environmental accident is still high.
                                           since 1997 and exporting it via the Baku-  In 2019, KMG said that it had invested
       CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH                Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) and Baku-Supsa   some $1 billion in the modernization
                                           Western Export Pipeline, as well as by rail   of Petromidia and in the increase of its
       CAUCASUS                            to the Georgian port of Batumi.      refining capacity from 3.5 million to over 5
                                              Azerbaijan also sells its URALS oil from   million tons of crude annually.
       Kazakhstan expresses                the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk,
                                           delivering it through the Baku-Novorossiysk
       support for cautious boost          pipeline.
                                              The price of URALS with shipment from
       in OPEC+ oil output                 the port stood at $74.42 per barrel on July 5,
                                           having risen by 91 cents as compared to the
       Kazakhstan has expressed support for a   previous price.

       Week 27   07•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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