Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 17

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Civitas Resources appoints          served as senior vice president responsible for   directors after a lengthy career with Capital
                                                                                Group and its subsidiary, Capital World
                                           Noble’s US onshore operations. He also served
       Hodge Walker chief                  as a director of Noble Midstream GP and as   Investors. He joined the Capital Group
                                           Noble’s vice president of West Africa and the
                                                                                companies in August 2000 and retired in June
       operating officer                   US Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, he served as   2022 after having spent 22 years covering a
                                                                                variety of industries, including the oil and gas
                                           director of strategic planning, environmental
       Civitas Resources today announced that   analysis, and reserves; managed Noble’s   industry, helping lead the research portfolio
       Hodge Walker has been appointed chief   operated West Africa assets, non-operated   for one of the largest growth mutual funds in
       operating officer, effective April 5, 2023. He   international assets, and frontier business   the world and serving in key leadership roles.
       will replace Matt Owens who has left the   ventures; and was a member of the business   Mr. Hernandez will serve on the company’s
       company.                            development team.                    audit committee and nominating and ESG
         Chris Doyle, president and CEO, said:   Civitas Resources is Colorado’s first carbon   committee. He is currently a member of
       “On behalf of the board of directors and the   neutral oil and gas producer and is focused on   the board of directors of Pioneer Natural
       company, I am pleased to welcome Hodge to   developing and producing crude oil, natural   Resources Company and Altria Group, Inc.
       Civitas. With more than 25 years of industry   gas, and natural gas liquids in Colorado’s   “The board and I are excited to add
       experience, Hodge has a proven track record   Denver-Julesburg Basin.    someone with Jacinto’s financial background
       of successfully leading teams and driving   CIVITAS RESOURCES, April 03, 2023   and extensive expertise across multiple asset
       a culture of operational excellence. I am                                classes and industries,” said Aris president and
       confident he will help advance our already   Aris Water Solutions        CEO Amanda Brock. “Jacinto is going to have
       strong team and our commitment to safe,                                  an immediate impact and we look forward to
       efficient, and responsible operations. Finally,   appoints Jacinto Hernandez   working with Jacinto as we grow in 2023 and
       I would like to thank Matt for the significant                           beyond.”
       contributions he has made toward our success   to the company’s board of   “Jacinto is a highly experienced
       and wish him the best of luck in his future                              individual and will bring additional depth
       endeavours.”                        directors                            and perspective to our board,” said founder
         Mr. Walker most recently served as vice                                and executive chairman Bill Zartler. “We
       president of Chevron Corporation’s Rockies   Aris Water Solutions announced today   are confident Jacinto has the right skills,
       Business Unit, a position he held since   the addition of Jacinto Hernandez to the   perspective and expertise we need as we work
       October 2020 when Chevron acquired Noble   company’s board of directors.  to enhance shareholder value.”
       Energy. Prior to joining Chevron, Mr. Walker   Mr. Jacinto joins the company’s board of   ARIS WATER SOLUTIONS, April 03, 2023

       Week 14   06•April•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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