Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 14

NorthAmOil                               ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Yara, Enbridge plan $2.9bn blue

       ammonia plant in Texas

        TEXAS            YARA Clean Ammonia and Enbridge have said   Calgary-based Enbridge and Yara will use
                         they will jointly develop and construct a $2.9bn  what they said are complementary strengths to
                         low-carbon blue ammonia production facility in  develop and execute the project.
                         Texas.                                 Yara said it has industry-leading experience
                           The proposed facility, which includes auto-  in ammonia development, production, oper-
                         thermal reforming with carbon capture, will be  ations and distribution, and that Enbridge has
       The proposed facility   located at the Enbridge Ingleside Energy Center  large-scale infrastructure development expertise
       would be located at   (EIEC) near Corpus Christi, Texas.  and the world-class EIEC deep water docks and
       the Enbridge Ingleside   Yara, the world’s largest ammonia distributor,  export platform.
       Energy Center in Texas.  will contract full offtake from the facility.  This will be critical to advancing the project
                           Blue ammonia is made from nitrogen and  from development through to commercial oper-
                         blue hydrogen, which is made from gas feed-  ation, said Yara.
                         stocks, with the carbon dioxide (CO2) by-prod-  Enbridge’s Texas Eastern Transmission Pipe-
                         uct from the hydrogen production captured and  line is expected to provide the transportation
                         stored.                              service for feed gas to be used for the production
                           Clean ammonia uses include shipping  process.
                         fuel,  power  production  and  serving  as  a   A nearby CO2 sequestration hub is being
                         hydrogen carrier. Norway-based Yara said  advanced by Enbridge and Occidental Petro-
                         that global demand for low-carbon ammonia  leum subsidiary Oxy Low Carbon Ventures. It is
                         is growing.                          a potential destination for the project’s captured
                           The production facility will be self-powered  CO2, said the companies.
                         with solar energy. Once operational, it will be   “We are excited to partner with Yara and col-
                         capable of supplying low-carbon ammonia, with  laborate on this clean energy project, especially
                         an expected capacity of 1.2-1.4mn tons (1.1-1.3  given their expertise in global ammonia projects,
                         tonnes) per year.                    operations and distribution,” said Enbridge’s
                           Around 95% of the CO2 generated from the  executive vice president and president of liquids
                         production process will be captured and trans-  pipelines, Colin Gruending.
                         ported to nearby permanent geologic storage.   “EIEC is well-positioned to become the most
                         Total project investment is expected to be $2.6-  sustainable export terminal in North America
                         2.9bn, with production start-up anticipated in  through low-carbon fuel production, carbon
                         2027-28.                             capture and solar self-power,” he said.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            than $100mn in capital commitments, from   the Fund alongside Tailwater. “We are excited
                                           new and existing limited partners.   to add minerals and royalties to Tailwater’s
       Tailwater Royalties                 Royalties was formed to help deepen   growing non-operated and operated
                                             Launched in January 2022, Tailwater
                                                                                franchises. These platforms along with our
       announces fund close                Tailwater’s upstream footprint with a   energy and growth infrastructure strategies
                                           focus on the acquisition of minerals and
                                                                                will continue to build upon Tailwater’s full
       over $100mn and                     royalties across multiple basins throughout   immersion approach, exemplifying creative
                                           North America. Tailwater Royalties is also
                                                                                and long-term investment opportunities.”
       initial acquisitions of             concurrently announcing the acquisition of   of our team’s deep expertise in a variety of
                                                                                  “Tailwater Royalties is an ideal example
                                           1,877 net royalty acres across the Permian,
       approximately 1,900 net             Eagle Ford and Haynesville under high quality  energy investment strategies,” said Edward
                                                                                Herring, co-founder and managing partner of
       royalty acres                       and existing investors, we are thrilled to have   Tailwater. “As we put this capital to work, we
                                             “Thanks to the strong support from new
                                                                                expect to see continued success as our team
       Tailwater Royalties Fund, an affiliate of the   surpassed our target fundraising goal for   grows and develops diversified positions and
       Texas-based private equity firm Tailwater   Tailwater Royalties,” said Doug Prieto, CEO   balanced portfolios within the energy space.”
       Capital, today announced that it closed its   of Tailwater E&P, a cross-disciplined team of   TAILWATER CAPITAL, April 05, 2023
       fund over target on March 1, 2023, with more   energy investment professionals that manages

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   06•April•2023
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