Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 18

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  The tax is now 75% of income, or three times
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  imposed on conventional UK business.
                         our team of international editors, who provide a
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  FSUOGM: US replaces Russia as Europe’s
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  top oil supplier in December
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  The US has replaced Russia as Europe’s main oil
                         for each section the full text will be available as  supplier, according to data published by Eurostat
                         before.                              on March 28, accounting for 18% of EU crude
                                                              imports. Russia supplied 31% of EU oil imports
                         AfrOil:  Honeywell  secures  $500mn  con-  in January last year, prior to Moscow’s invasion of
                         tract for Libya’s South Refinery     Ukraine, while the US was a distant second, deliv-
                         The US-based energy group Honeywell has  ering only 13%. Brussels introduced an embargo
                         secured a deal worth $500mn to carry out engi-  on seaborne Russian oil imports in December last
                         neering work on the South Refinery project,  year and followed this up with a ban on Russian
                         Reuters reported on March 27. The company  petroleum products this February.
                         signed a contract for the project with Libya’s
                         Zallaf Oil and Gas, a subsidiary of state-owned  GLNG: Rio Grande LNG suffers another
                         National Oil Corp. (NOC).            setback with Societe Generale withdrawal
                                                              French bank Societe Generale revealed on
                         AsianOil: Southeast Asia set for $5bn of  March 28 that it pulled out of NextDecade’s Rio
                         M&A action in next two years         Grande LNG project in Texas last year. It marks
                         Southeast Asia is expected to see significant  the first time the financial institution has dis-
                         mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in the  closed that it withdrew from the long-delayed
                         upstream sector over the next two years, accord-  LNG facility to be developed in the Port of
                         ing to research by Rystad Energy, with over  Brownsville.
                         $5bn worth of assets available for purchase. The
                         majority of these opportunities are in Indone-  LatAmOil: Energy minister calls on Ecua-
                         sia, with around $2bn worth of assets available,  dor to cut 2023 oil output target
                         followed by Malaysia and Vietnam, which have  Ecuador’s Energy Minister Fernando Santos
                         approximately $1.4bn and $1bn worth of assets  has said that the country ought to reduce its
                         for sale respectively.               crude oil production target by 40,000 barrels
                                                              per day, or about 8% from the original figure,
                         DMEA: Deal signed for Libyan refinery pro-  due to protests, civil unrest, natural disasters
                         ject                                 and other disruptions. Santos told reporters
                         A subsidiary of Libya’s state-owned National  that Ecuador should bring its production tar-
                         Oil Corp. (NOC) has announced the signing  get down from the goal of 520,000 bpd stated
                         of a contract with US based Honeywell for the  in the 2023 budget.
                         development of a new refinery near the El Shar-
                         ara oilfield. Zallaf for Oil and Gas Co. said it had  MEOG: Joint offer submitted for NewMed
                         agreed a $500-600mn deal covering front-end  Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) and BP
                         engineering and design (FEED) and related ser-  announced their intention to form a gas-focused
                         vices for the South Refinery project, located in  joint venture and have launched an offer for Isra-
                         the Awbari area.                     el’s NewMed Energy. NewMed, formerly Delek
                                                              Drilling, confirmed that a non-binding offer
                         EurOil: UK North Sea industry doubles  had been tabled at a value of $2bn for 50% of the
                         down on criticism of windfall tax    company.
                         The windfall tax imposed on the UK North Sea
                         oil and gas industry last year will result in 500mn  NorthAmOil: US to issue ultimatum as
                         barrels of oil equivalent being left in the ground  Mexico reverses energy reform
                         over the next decade that would otherwise have  The administration of US President Joe Biden
                         been developed, equal to one year of output in  will issue an “act now or else” missive in the next
                         the basin, industry group OEUK said on March  few weeks to Mexico over the two countries’
                         28. The tax, along with political uncertainty and  energy trade dispute, according to sources cited
                         inflation, “is driving away the billions of pounds  by Reuters. The US wants its southern neighbour
                         of investments needed to maintain oil and gas  to open its energy market to foreign companies
                         production now and create low-carbon energy  and agree to more oversight.
                         in the future,” the OEUK said in its new Busi-
                         ness Outlook report, which estimated nine of 10  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         North Sea operators were slashing investment.  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   06•April•2023
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