Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       that the best way to serve markets during this   opportunities and the appointment of Matt   financial officer and announced that William
       energy evolution is through an all-of-the-  Steele as chief executive officer of the company  “Bill” Buese will be transitioning from the
       above energy mix. Pipelines continue to be the  effective immediately.   chief financial officer role effective April 3,
       safest and most cost-efficient mode of long-  Jonathan Barrett, Battalion’s Chairman   2023. In addition, on March 1, 2023, Matthew
       haul transportation for liquid fuels.”  of the Board commented, “Matt brings to   Rucker joined the Gulfport leadership team as
         The Southern California hub, which   Battalion extensive E&P experience including   senior vice president, operations.
       provides a throughput of up to 20,000 barrels   capital allocation, operations and internal   John Reinhart, Gulfport’s CEO
       per day (bpd) of blended diesel across the   value creation. I am pleased to welcome Matt   commented, “We are very pleased to welcome
       two inland destination truck racks, has   to the company and the board. His executive   Michael to Gulfport. He brings over 20
       been delivering RD to San Diego since the   and board experience will allow us to thrive   years of experience as a seasoned financial
       beginning of February 2023, with deliveries to   in the next phase of Battalion. I would also   leader with deep expertise in the oil and gas
       Colton recently commencing. The Southern   like to thank Rich for his contributions to the   industry and we look forward to his future
       California hub connects marine supplies of   company. Under his leadership, Battalion has   contributions to our organisation.”
       RD coming into the Ports of Los Angeles and   achieved numerous objectives that set the   “I am very excited to join the Gulfport
       Long Beach to the Los Angeles market via the   company up for success as it focuses on its   team during this transformational time
       truck rack at SFPP’s Carson Terminal and to   organic value creation opportunities.”  for both the company as well as the energy
       KMI’s SFPP pipeline system for delivery to the   Mr. Steele is a seasoned executive who has   industry,” said Hodges. “I look forward to
       Inland Empire and San Diego areas.  founded and managed numerous businesses   helping advance the company’s strategic
         The Northern California hub, which   in the energy industry. He was most recently   direction as part of the leadership team
       provides a throughput in aggregate of 21,000   the CEO of Bruin E&P Partners, a Bakken   and consistently focusing on delivering
       bpd of RD via the SFPP northern pipeline   focused E&P company. During the last   meaningful long-term value to our
       system from the San Francisco Bay area   decade, he has served as CEO of Ursa   shareholders.”
       to KMI’s Bradshaw, Fresno and San Jose   Resources and Bruin E&P. He serves on   Mr. Hodges joins Gulfport with more than
       terminals, is now commencing movement   the boards of Bruin Management, Bowline   a decade of experience in financial leadership
       of RD to those markets. KMI capitalised   Energy, Carbon Path and the honours college   roles for oil and gas companies operating
       on existing infrastructure for the Northern   and advisory board at the University of   in the Appalachian Basin. Most recently,
       California hub, with potential capacity   Houston.                       Mr. Hodges served as senior vice president,
       expansions available in subsequent phases.  BATTALION OIL, April 03, 2023  finance and accounting at Leon Capital
       KINDER MORGAN, April 3, 2023                                             Group. Prior to joining Leon Capital, he was
                                           Gulfport Energy names                the executive vice president and chief financial
                                                                                officer for Montage Resources Corporation
                                           Michael Hodges chief                 Company in November 2020. From 2012
       MOVES                                                                    until its merger with Southwestern Energy
       Battalion announces                 financial officer and                until joining Montage Resources in 2018, Mr.
                                                                                Hodges served as the chief financial officer
       appointment of new CEO              announces leadership team            for three upstream energy companies focused
                                                                                on near-term value creation through the
       and director                        changes                              acquisition and early-stage development of oil
                                                                                and natural gas resources.
       Battalion Oil today announced the resignation   Gulfport Energy today named Michael   GULFPORT ENERGY, April 3, 2023
       of Richard Little who plans to pursue other   Hodges executive vice president and chief

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   06•April•2023
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