Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 13

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil says decarbonisation

       business could outgrow oil and gas

        US               EXXONMOBIL and Linde have signed a long-  10 or more years’ time, the company said in a
                         term agreement for the offtake of carbon dioxide  webcast on April 4. The Texas-based company
                         (CO2) at Linde’s proposed clean hydrogen pro-  said it planned to invest around $17bn in low-
                         duction plant in Beaumont, Texas.    er-emission energy solutions up to the end of
                           This comes after an ExxonMobil executive  2027, equivalent to around 10% of its spending
                         said that the supermajor’s decarbonisation  on fossil fuel projects by the same date.
                         business could eventually eclipse its oil and gas   “This [low-carbon] business is going to look
                         business.                            quite a bit different than the base business of
                           Under the agreement with Linde, ExxonMo-  Exxon Mobil,” said the president of ExxonMo-
                         bil will transport and store up to 2.2mn tonnes  bil’s Low Carbon Business Solutions unit, Dan
                         per year (tpy) of CO2 from Linde’s hydrogen  Ammann. “It is going to have a much more sta-  The supermajor’s
                         production facility, equivalent to the emissions  ble, or less cyclical, profile.”
                         from nearly 500,000 cars per year, the companies   The supermajor’s low-carbon business could   low-carbon
                         said.                                ultimately be worth “hundreds of billions of
                           Linde’s Beaumont facility, which would sup-  dollars” and could be “larger than ExxonMobil’s   business could
                         ply hydrogen to offtakers such as ExxonMobil, is  base business is today as the world approaches
                         expected to be completed in 2025. It would also  net zero”,  he said.       ultimately be
                         supply the proposed OCI Global blue ammonia   Governments’ regulatory and policy support   worth “hundreds
                         complex with industrial gases and would con-  for carbon pricing as well as the cost of abating
                         sist of air separation units, a carbon capture and  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will determine   of billions of
                         sequestration (CCS) facility, and an auto thermal  how quickly ExxonMobil can enter the low-car-
                         reactor.                             bon industry, he added.                  dollars”.
                           “Clean hydrogen is a key enabler of indus-  The company foresees a “molecules” market
                         try’s transition to a low-carbon economy,”  for itself consisting of CCS, hydrogen and biofu-
                         said Linde’s senior vice president of the Amer-  els that is worth $6 trillion by 2050. In that time-
                         icas, Dan Yankowski. “Working with Exxon-  frame, it does not foresee entering the “electron”
                         Mobil as the carbon dioxide offtaker at our  market of wind, solar, geothermal, hydro and
                         Beaumont project supports Linde’s strategy to  nuclear, it said.
                         decarbonise customer processes while safely   ExxonMobil’s decarbonisation plan is also
                         and reliably supplying low-carbon hydrogen  noteworthy because the company has remained
                         at scale.”                           focused on oil and gas even as its rivals, espe-
                           ExxonMobil sees the low-carbon market as  cially in Europe, have diversified into renewable
                         ultimately worth multi-trillions of dollars in  and other low-carbon energy.™

       Week 14   06•April•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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