Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The pipeline has been
                                                                                                  94% completed.

       US appeals court again blocks

       Mountain Valley Pipeline

        US NORTHEAST     EQUITRANS Midstream’s Mountain Valley  Equitrans, which is still aiming for completion
                         Pipeline  (MVP) has again been blocked by a  in late 2023.
                         court.                                 The company is reviewing the court’s deci-
                           The US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has  sion, said a spokesperson for Equitrans. The
                         vacated a water permit by the West Virginia  project has undergone “unprecedented” envi-
                         Department of Environmental Protection’s  ronmental reviews and is being constructed
                         (DEP). The federal judges sided with environ-  to “higher environmental standards than any
                         mentalists that said the pipeline could cause ero-  similar project” in West Virginia, added the
                         sion and sedimentation.              spokesperson.                          The federal
                           The three-judge panel found deficiencies   The MVP has become stuck in “regulatory
                         in the DEP’s review, citing 46 “narrative water  and legal purgatory for several years”, said the   judges sided with
                         quality standards violations”, and assessed civil  Wall Street Journal in an editorial.
                         penalties of around $569,000.          “[The DEP] is intended to give states input  environmentalists
                           In late March, the same panel upheld neigh-  into projects, though it has been abused by some
                         bouring Virginia’s environmental review of the  such as New York to block gas pipelines. Here   that said
                         42-inch (1,067-mm)  pipeline.        the Fourth Circuit panel is abusing its power to   the pipeline
                           “In the face of such a history, it is arbitrary  usurp state authority,” said the newspaper. “As is
                         and capricious for an agency to predict compli-  its wont, the [court] panel nit-picked West Vir-  could cause
                         ance without a rational explanation,” wrote Chief  ginia’s environmental review.”
                         Judge Roger Gregory in the opinion. “[The DEP]   Conservative-leaning Democratic Senator   erosion and
                         failed to provide a reasoned explanation as to  Joe Manchin of West Virginia also commented.
                         why it believes MVP’s past permit violations will  Manchin is a backer of the project and has   sedimentation.
                         not continue to occur going forward.”  sought to include approval of the pipeline in a
                           The MVP would be 303 miles (487 km)  broad federal energy permitting bill.
                         once completed and would transport natural   “It is infuriating to see the same 4th Circuit
                         gas from the Utica and Marcellus shale forma-  Court panel deal yet another setback for the
                         tions in Ohio and Pennsylvania to the Mid- and  Mountain Valley Pipeline project and once
                         South-Atlantic regions.              again side with activists who seem hell-bent
                           The pipeline is designed to transport 2bn  on killing any fossil energy that will make our
                         cubic feet (56.6mn cubic metres) per day.  country energy independent and secure,” Man-
                         The pipeline has been 94% completed, said  chin said.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   06•April•2023
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