Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Once the transactions
                                                                                                  are complete, Ovintiv
                                                                                                  will have a presence in
                                                                                                  four basins, only three
                                                                                                  of which it considers to
                                                                                                  be core growth assets.

                         Reuters. The deal is the company’s first since  year, Encana also purchased Athlon Energy for
                         2021, when McCracken became CEO.     $5.9bn, giving the company its first stake in the
                           “We are acquiring a unique undeveloped  Permian.
                         asset in the Northern Midland Basin,” he said in   But this came as oil prices started trending
                         a statement.  “Located in some of the best rock  downward amid a global glut of crude. The price
                         in the Permian, these assets have demonstrated  of US oil benchmark West Texas Intermediate
                         leading well performance and are a natural fit  (WTI) fell from a high of almost $110 per barrel
                         with our existing Martin County acreage. The  in 2013 to a low of $27.45 in 2016.
                         acreage is in an area where we have a compet-  Even so, in 2018 Encana went on to buy New-
                         itive operating advantage, and it significantly  field Exploration for $5.5bn, undeterred by the
                         increases our premium Permian well inventory.”  latter’s net debt of $2.2bn, giving it a stake in the
                                                              Anadarko Basin.
                         Four basins                           Not surprisingly, Encana’s own debt also
                         Following the transactions, Ovintiv said that its  rose. The company moved to the US in 2020,
                         portfolio would be focused on four “premier”  rebranding itself Ovintiv. The next year, Ovintiv
                         North American basins. In each, the company  sold all of its Eagle Ford assets to Validus Energy
                         now has more than 125,000 net acres (505.9  for just $880mn – the same assets it had bought
                         square km) of assets.                for $3.1bn in 2014.                   The deal is the
                           According to Ovintiv’s website, its three core
                         growth assets are the West Texas portion of  What next?                   company’s first
                         the Permian Basin, the black oil window of the  This latest Permian acquisition balances Ovin-  since 2021,
                         SCOOP and STACK formations in west-central  tiv’s portfolio, McCracken told Reuters. The
                         Oklahoma’s Anadarko Basin and the gas-rich  Midland Basin is oil-rich, while the com-  when McCracken
                         Montney play in northern Alberta and British  pany produces natural gas liquids (NGLs) in
                         Columbia. Ovintiv also has assets in the Uinta  the SCOOP and STACK plays and gas in the   became CEO.
                         Basin in Utah.                       Montney.
                           Over the years, Ovintiv has seen various pur-  The deal “addresses one of the most signifi-
                         chases and sales while weathering volatile com-  cant concerns with Ovintiv, which was the rel-
                         modity prices.                       atively short runway of core locations”, Enverus
                           As Encana, the company was Canada’s largest  Intelligence Research’s director, Andrew Ditt-
                         producer of gas. Indeed, it had sold all of its oil  mar, told Reuters.
                         assets to Cenovus in 2009, but then saw the US   “Ovintiv is changing the narrative around
                         shale gas boom come to dominate the North  the company by materially boosting corporate
                         American market, depressing gas prices.  inventory life,” he said in separate comments to
                           With a new CEO, Doug Suttles, the  com-  Natural Gas Intelligence. “Since investors are
                         pany shifted its focus to oil-rich formations in  closely scrutinising inventory life” of oil-ori-
                         the US, and in 2014 it bought into the Eagle  ented E&Ps, “adding the additional locations
                         Ford play in Texas for $3.1bn, purchasing assets  should help the company improve its equity
                         from Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas. The same  multiple and rerate higher”.™

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