Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Ovintiv expands in Permian

       with $4.3bn purchase

       Denver-based Ovintiv is purchasing oil and gas acreage in the Permian

       Basin while offloading its Bakken assets

        US               DENVER-BASED shale producer Ovintiv has
                         agreed to acquire  $4.3bn of oil and gas assets in
       WHAT:             the Permian Basin in Texas from private equity
       Ovintiv has bought   firm EnCap Investments .
       Permian Basin assets for   The acreage comprises almost all the assets
       $4.3bn from EnCap while   owned by Black Swan Oil & Gas, PetroLeg-
       also selling its Bakken   acy Energy and Piedra Resources, which are
       assets.           all portfolio companies of funds managed by
       WHY:                At the same time, Ovintiv has announced the
       The producer  is now   pending sale of all of its assets in the Bakken  for-
       expanding in the US’    mation in North Dakota for $825mn  to Gray-
       most productive oil-rich   son Mill Bakken, which is also EnCap-affiliated.
                         US focus
       WHAT NEXT:        Ovintiv – which was formerly known as Encana
       Ovintiv is aiming to   and based in Calgary – has been increasingly
       generate more free   concentrating on highly productive US shale
       cash flow and improve   plays, with the company’s only remaining Cana-  Ovintiv added that its land position in the
       shareholder returns.  dian assets located in the Montney.  Ovintiv is  Permian would increase to around 179,000 net
                         now looking at whether it can generate more  acres (724.4 square km), and that 97% of the
                         free cash flow and achieve higher shareholder  acquired acreage was held by production with
                         returns.                             an average operated working interest of 82%.
                           The transaction is also interesting because   The company’s pro forma Permian oil and
                         it comes as shale drillers are running out of  condensate production is expected to nearly
                         top acreage. The Permian Basin  is the most  double to around 125,000 barrels per day (bpd).
                         productive oilfield in the world  and remains  The company said it expected to realise signifi-
                         popular thanks to its stacked pays and favour-  cant well cost savings across its combined Per-
                         able economics. By contrast,  the Bakken for-  mian assets because of optimised operations
                         mation, part of the Williston Basin, is mature.  and economies of scale.
                         The formation’s oil and gas production growth   The Permian sellers will receive around
                         continues to be flat or almost so, according to  32.6mn shares of Ovintiv common stock and
                         data from the US Energy Information Admin-  $3.125bn in cash. The cash portion of the trans-
                         istration (EIA).                     action will be funded through a combination of
                           Ovintiv’s Permian purchase adds around  cash on hand, the $825mn received from Ovin-
                         65,000 net acres (263 square km ) of largely  tiv’s pending sale of its Bakken assets, as well as
                         undeveloped resource in Martin and Andrews  borrowings under the company’s credit facility
                         counties  in the northern Midland sub-basin,  and/or proceeds from new debt financing.
                         the company said. The land is “highly comple-  At March 30, 2023 strip pricing, Ovintiv
                         mentary” with the company’s existing Permian  expects the transactions to drive cash returns
                         Basin position, also in Martin County, Ovintiv  that are more than 25% higher per share over
                         added.                               the next year following the close of the deals and
                           Upon closing, the purchase will add around  cash returns that are more than 40% higher per
                         1,050 net 10,000-foot (3,048-metre) well loca-  share in 2024.
                         tions to Ovintiv’s inventory .        “As shale hits its middle innings, we believe
                           The 1,050 wells include around 800 “pre-  high-return drilling inventory locations are
                         mium return” locations and around 250 “high  going to be more valuable than ever,” Ovintiv’s
                         potential upside” locations, said the company.  president and CEO, Brendan McCracken, told

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   06•April•2023
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