Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       OPEC+ announces

       surprise output cut

       The producer group has promised to keep

       speculators on their toes and it had done just

       that, once again, springing a 1mn-bpd-plus cut

        GLOBAL           OPEC and several of its partners in the OPEC+  under the microscope in the wake of a political
                         group made a surprise announcement over the  shake-up in the Middle East, partly brokered
       WHAT:             weekend, declaring that they would make a  by China, which figures to have a growing role
       Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the   voluntary oil production cut of 1.15mn barrels  in the region as Europe and the US press ahead
       UAE, Kuwait, Kazakhstan,   per day, which will run until the end of the year.  with energy transition goals.
       Algeria, Oman and   In tandem, Russia said that it would extend its   Following the deal’s announcement, a spokes-
       Gabon cut this week,   pre-existing voluntary reduction of 500,000 bpd  person for the US National Security Council
       compounding the 500,000   from May until the end of 2023.  said: “We don’t think cuts are advisable at this
       bpd already being   In keeping with their previous arrangements,  moment given market uncertainty – and we’ve
       withheld by Russia.  Saudi Arabia and Russia will cut by an equal  made that clear.” The spokesperson added: “We
                         500,000 bpd, while Iraq said it would withhold  will continue to work with all producers and
       WHY:              211,000 bpd, UAE 144,000 bpd, Kuwait 128,000  consumers to ensure energy markets support
       The level withheld under   bpd, Kazakhstan 78,000 bpd, Algeria 48,000  economic growth and lower prices for Ameri-
       the latest deal will   bpd, Oman 40,000 bpd and Gabon 8,000 bpd.  can consumers.”
       increase to 1.66mn bpd   The group accounts for about 40% of all the
       in July once Russia’s   world’s crude oil output.      Market reaction
       current voluntary cut   A Saudi energy ministry official said the move  Oil price immediately surged on the news on
       expires.          was “a precautionary measure aimed at support-  April 3. The cost of Brent jumped from circa $80
                         ing the stability of the oil market”, the official  to over $86 – the biggest one day jump in years –
       WHAT NEXT:        Saudi Press Agency said.             before settling at $84.
       It will then run through   In total, around 1.15mn bpd will be withheld   That is a sharp reversal of the sudden fall in
       the end of the year, but   from the market from May, with that level seen  oil prices last month towards $70 a barrel, the
       few would bet against   rising to 1.66mn bpd from July.  lowest in 15 months, on concern that a global
       OPEC+ making another   The announcement came as a surprise fol-  banking crisis would hit demand.
       surprise move.    lowing comments made by the group’s de-facto   The return of high energy costs will reignite   It will also
                         head, Saudi Arabian Energy Minister Prince  the cost-of-living crisis by increasing inflation
                         Abdulaziz bin Salman Al-Saud in February,  and slowing growth, economists warned.  place Saudi-
                         when he said the deal the group “struck in Octo-  Oil companies were winners as energy giants   US relations
                         ber is here to stay for the rest of the year. Period.”  BP and Shell saw their share prices follow the
                         That agreement saw OPEC reduce its allocated  rise in oil prices upwards the same day: both   back under the
                         production level from 26.7mn bpd by a ‘vol-  rose more than 4%. Oil prices are now back at
                         untary adjustment’ of 1.27mn bpd to 25.4mn  levels seen before the conflict in Ukraine began.  microscope in
                         bpd, while its non-OPEC partners cut by just   The White House was not happy with the
                         over 700,000 bpd. Saudi Arabia and Russia each  decision and said that it would prefer to see oil   the wake of a
                         made a voluntary cut of 526,000 bpd, though  producers increase production down to reduce   political shake-
                         in reality Russian production had already been  prices.
                         hampered by a shrinking market for its crude   A spokesperson for the US National Security   up in the Middle
                         following Western restrictions on purchases.  Council said: “We don’t think cuts are advisable
                           While there had been no indication of  at this moment given market uncertainty - and   East.
                         another reduction, its announcement comes as  we’ve made that clear.”
                         fears remain about the state of global banking,   The relationship between the US and Saudi
                         and the producers’ group appears to remain  Arabia has become increasingly strained since
                         highly conservative following the disastrous  the advent of the so-called shale revolution
                         doubleheader of an oil price war and the Covid-  made the US a net exporter of oil. Washington
                         19 in 2020.                          is not part of the OPEC cartel, making it a rival
                           It will also place Saudi-US relations back  of the cartel.

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