Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 14 2023
P. 11

NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Cheniere seeks permit for Corpus

       Christi LNG plant expansion

        TEXAS            CHENIERE Energy has filed an application with  capacity of 220,000 cubic metres of LNG. The
                         US regulators for another expansion of its Cor-  expansion would accommodate a higher load-
                         pus Christi LNG export plant in Texas.  ing rate for LNG than Corpus Christi currently
                           The company has the commercial backing for  allows for.
                         this latest expansion, it said in a filing with the US   Cheniere told the FERC that it would com-
                         Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)  pete the new facilities in Corpus Christi by 2031
                         on March 30.                         because of “the potential for phasing, schedule   Cheniere told
                           Its commercialisation is “substantially com-  changes or other unforeseen disruptions”. But
                         plete … with a majority of LNG export volumes  if  constructed “under optimal conditions, the   the FERC that it
                         from the project facilities committed via long-  construction duration is anticipated to be four
                         term LNG sales contracts,” said Cheniere .  years”, said Cheniere.         would compete
                                                                The export plant currently consists of three
                           Cheniere asked the FERC to approve the plan
                         by September 27, 2024, saying it wanted to start  liquefaction trains each with a capacity of around  the new facilities
                         construction on the two midscale liquefaction  5mn tpy.                   in Corpus Christi
                         trains soon afterwards.                Expansion of facility is already underway . In
                           US LNG exports are rising as global supply  June, Cheniere made a final investment decision   by 2031.
                         remains tight following the disruption of Rus-  (FID) on the midscale Stage 3 expansion. Con-
                         sian gas flows as a result of the war in Ukraine.  struction started in October, and the expansion
                         LNG trade is also on the rise globally, with grow-  is expected online by the end of 2025.
                         ing appetite in Europe and Asia.       That expansion could ultimately add seven
                           Cheniere is the US’ largest exporter of LNG.  midscale trains with a liquefaction capacity of
                           The company’s two new trains would add  around 1.49mn tpy each, with a total production
                         3.28mn tonnes per year (tpy), or 3.28bn cubic  capacity of more than 10mn tpy.
                         metres, of production capacity. In August   Earlier this year, Cheniere told the FERC that
                         Cheniere announced that it wanted to proceed  it would formally apply for an expansion at its
                         with the expansion, the Corpus Christi Lique-  Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana
                         faction Midscale Trains 8 & 9 project.  by the end of 2023. That would equate to a 20mn
                           The project will also include on-site stor-  tpy expansion, with three large-scale liquefac-
                         age of refrigerants and a storage tank with a  tion trains.™

       Week 14   06•April•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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