Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       Petrobras comments

       on Samsung leniency

       Petrobras announces that it has received
       BRL360mn ($65mn) last week related to the
       leniency agreement executed by Samsung  financer of the wind farm development and  entries being made to Petrobras.
       Heavy Industries. This cash arises from the first  by the Administrative Council for Economic   The operation is still subject to approval by
       installment of the Samsung agreement of a total  Defense (CADE).         Petrobras’ General Shareholders’ Meeting, to be
       amount of BRL705.9mn that will be applied to   The present disclosure is in accordance with  convened in due course.
       the reimbursement for Petrobras.    the internal rules of Petrobras and with the spe-  Petrobras, February 24 2021
         With these values, Petrobras surpasses  cial regime of asset divestment by the federal
       BRL5.3bn in funds recovered through collab-  mixed economy societies, foreseen in the Decree
       oration, leniency and repatriation agreements.  9.188/2017.              FINANCE
       In 2020, the company received BRL797mn in   This transaction is aligned to the strategy of
       reimbursement of amounts related to Car Wash  portfolio optimisation and the improvement   Moody’s changes Hunt
       Operation.                          of the company’s capital allocation, aiming the
         These reimbursements result from the condi-  maximisation of value for its shareholders.  Peru’s outlook to stable;
       tion of victim of Petrobras in the crimes investi-  Eólica Mangue Seco 2 is part of a complex of
       gated under Car Wash Operation. Petrobras will  four wind farms (Mangue Seco 1, Mangue Seco   affirms Ba2 ratings
       continue do take applicable actions seeking the  2, Mangue Seco 3 and Mangue Seco 4) located
       appropriate compensation for damages resulting  in Guamaré, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte,   Moody’s Investors Service affirmed Hunt Oil
       from unlawful acts committed against the Com-  with a total installed capacity of 104 MW. Eólica  Co. of Peru’s Ba2 corporate family rating and
       pany. Petrobras is co-plaintiff with the Federal  Mangue Seco 2 owns and operates a wind farm,  senior unsecured rating and changed the ratings
       Prosecutor’s Office and the Federal Govern-  with a capacity of 26 MW.   outlook to stable from negative.
       ment in 21 pending administrative misconduct   Petrobras had already signed contracts for   The change in Hunt Peru’s outlook to stable
       actions, in addition to being an assistant prose-  the sale of its interest in the wind farms Mangue  from negative reflects the solid revenue and cash
       cutor in 76 criminal cases related to illegal acts  Seco 1, 3 and 4, on January 7, 2021, as disclosed  flow recovery from the impact of the COVID-
       investigated by Car Wash Operation.  to the market.                      19 outbreak in 2020. Moody’s expects that the
                                              FIP Pirineus was established on September  company’s operational and financial metrics will
       Petrobras, March 01 2021            25, 2015, and aims to invest in companies in the  correspond to those of a Ba2-rated Exploration
                                           renewable energy sector, including wind and  and Production company over the next 12-18
                                           solar photovoltaic complexes and the develop-  months.
       INVESTMENT                          ment of disruptive technology.         The Ba2 corporate family rating on Hunt
                                              FIP Pirineus acts proactively in its investee  Peru considers the company’s small production
       Petrobras signs contract for        companies, with effective influence on the defi-  size; asset concentration in only two gas blocks;
                                           nition of their strategic policy and management.  operating dependence on only two pipelines,
       Mangue Seco 2 sale                  Currently, the fund is a partner of Petrobras in  owned by Transportadora de Gas del Peru
                                                                                (TGP) (Baa1 stable); no operating control over
                                           Eólica Mangue Seco 2, holding 49% of the com-
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  pany’s capital stock   the gas blocks; vulnerability to commodities
       on April 5, 2020, informs that it signed today   Petrobras, February 26 2021  prices; high dividend payout rate and Moody’
       with Fundo de Investimento em Participações                              expectation of continued volatile natural gas and
       Multiestratégia Pirineus (FIP Pirineus), a con-  Petrobras approves      natural gas liquids prices.
       tract for the sale of its entire 51% interest in                           On the other hand, Hunt Peru’s ratings are
       the capital of Eólica Mangue Seco 2-Geradora   incorporation of CDMPI    supported by the company’s large proved gas
       e Comercializadora de Energia Elétrica S.A.                              reserves, equivalent to about 18 years of life
       (Eólica Mangue Seco 2), owner of a wind power  Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors,  based on 2020 production; a solid asset base in
       generation plant.                   in a meeting held today, approved the proposed  the world-class, prolific Camisea gas fields; low
         The sale price is BRL32.97mn, to be paid in  incorporation of Companhia de Desenvolvi-  volume risk given solid demand both in the local
       a single installment at the closing of the trans-  mento e Modernização de Plantas Industriais  and international markets; the strategic impor-
       action, subject to the adjustments provided for  (CDMPI).                tance of the Camisea fields to the Government of
       in the contract. The transaction results from the   The incorporation aims at simplifying and  Peru (A3 stable); and the company’s experienced
       exercise of the preemptive right by FIP Pirineus,  optimising the corporate structure of Petrobras.  management team.
       in accordance with the shareholders’ agreement  Since this is an incorporation of a wholly-owned   Moody’s considers the debt agreement’s pro-
       of Eólica Mangue Seco 2.            subsidiary, there will be no capital increase at  visions in Hunt Peru’s unsecured notes, that help
         The closing of the transaction is subject to  Petrobras, nor will new shares be issued. The  ring-fence Hunt Peru from its parent, to be bene-
       compliance with precedent conditions, such as  shares representing the capital of CDMPI will  ficial to its credit profile since the notes represent
       approval by Banco do Nordeste do Brasil, the  be extinguished, with the necessary accounting  100% of the company’s debt.

       Week 09   04•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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