Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

       Head of PAE comments on

       Vaca Muerta gas prospects

                         MARCOS Bulgheroni, the CEO of Argenti-  for Vaca Muerta gas.
                         na’s Pan American Energy (PAE), has said that   “Now the big question mark is how do we ful-
                         export-oriented investments and support-  fil this potential by connecting the local market
                         ive policy will help facilitate the development   first with the regional market, but also with the
                         of unconventional gas resources in the Vaca   international gas market,” he said, according to
                         Muerta shale basin.                  Reuters.
                           Speaking at the CERAWeek conference on   Investors should therefore consider
                         March 3, Bulgheroni declared that the Vaca   export-oriented projects, such as overland pipe-
                         Muerta formation was nearly at the point of   line shipments to neighbouring countries and
                         being able to realise its potential. “The basin is   LNG exports to markets in Asia, he continued.
                         at an inflection point,” he was quoted as saying   He did not advocate for any specific projects,
                         by Reuters.                          but Reuters noted that Argentina’s government
                           “We have been investing heavily for the last   has suggested building a new pipeline capable
                         decade in the basin, and the investment is pay-  of pumping large amounts of Vaca Muerta gas
                         ing off. It is now ready to accelerate its potential,”   along a 1,400-km route to Brazil.
                         he remarked.                           The national oil company (NOC) YPF and
                           PAE is not the only company interested in   other operators have discussed plans for future
                         ramping up activity at Vaca Muerta fields, he   LNG exports, but so far, the South American
                         added. Other upstream operators are interested   country has not been able to sustain such a plan.
                         in stepping up their activity in order to take   YPF did export several LNG cargoes within the
                         advantage of increased drilling efficiency, he   framework of the Tango LNG project, but it ter-
                         said.                                minated its charter for a floating LNG (FLNG)
                           He also argued, though, that Argen-  vessel ahead of schedule last year, explaining that
                         tina would have difficulty monetising these   the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had
                         resources unless it was able to secure markets   undermined the scheme’s viability. ™

                                                       Vaca Muerta is one of the world’s largest shale basins (File Photo)

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