Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Hunt Peru has good liquidity. Cash in the amount  in the Patagonia region of Argentina and expo-  operational and macroeconomic risks associ-
       of about $57mn in December 2020 plus around  sure to the Argentine electricity industry’s regu-  ated with small-scale oil and gas production.
       $260mn in cash from operations through mid-  latory risk. Fitch considers the company and its  Fitch expects the company’s working interest
       2022, as expected by Moody’s, will fund $75mn  industry peers as having heightened counter-  production to be on average 17,000 boepd from
       in debt amortisation, $40mn in capital spending,  party risk with Compania Administradora del  2021-2024, a downward adjustment from previ-
       plus $200mn in shareholders distributions in  Mercado Mayorista Electrico (CAMMESA) as  ous years in response to a declining and volatile
       the period. Hunt Peru also counts on a $30mn  the main off-takers, given CAMMESA is highly  pricing environment.
       three-year committed revolving credit facility  dependent on the Argentine government subsi-  Hydrocarbon Reserves: The company
       that matures in May 2021 and Moody’s believes  dies in order to fulfil its obligations, but this risk  reported a 25% decrease in 1P reserves to
       the company will renew shortly. Hunt Peru will  is slightly mitigated under the RenovAR pro-  38.4mmboe from 51.5mmboe in 2019. Fitch
       start to amortise its senior unsecured notes in  gramme with the presence of the FODER trust  expects the company will maintain its 6.1 years
       late 2021 (about $50mn annually).   fund, which is prefunded, and is designed to be  1P reserve life by maintaining production at
         Hunt Peru’s Ba2 ratings are constrained by  a payment guarantee to cover, ongoing power  17,000 boe/d. Further, the company’s total debt
       the high dividend payout to its parent company.  purchase agreement (PPA) payments and ter-  to 1P increased by 11% to $10.14/barrels in 2020
       A significant debt reduction on a sustained basis,  mination payment obligation arising from the  from $9.13/barrels in 2019. The company has
       without affecting its operating performance,  rights of IPP to sell their project to the FODER  strong concession life with the earliest material
       could trigger a positive rating action on Hunt  in specific macroeconomic or sector risk occur.  concession expiring in 2026. This concession, El
       Peru’s ratings. The credit profile of Hunt Peru’s   Applicable Country-Ceiling: PCR’s FC IDR  Medanito, currently accounts for approximately
       parent company, Hunt Oil Company, would be  is rated at the country-ceiling of Ecuador (B-) as  60% of production. Other concessions have
       relevant information for Moody’s to consider a  cash flow from its Colombian and Ecuadorian  longer expiration dates.
       positive action on Hunt Peru’s rating.  operations cover its hard-currency consoli-  PCR is a small oil and gas producer with
         Hunt Peru’s Ba2 ratings could be downgraded  dated interest expense. Fitch estimates PCR’s  operation in Argentina, Ecuador and Colombia.
       if it faces extended operational disruptions or if  hard-currency consolidated interest expense is  Argentina represents 63% of 2020 production
       its production declines significantly. An interest  $35mn per annum, and its Colombia EBITDA  while Ecuador contributed 33% and Colombia
       coverage ratio, as measured by EBITDA/interest  is $11mn and Ecuadorian EBITDA is $25mn.  4%. Production is expected to remain flat to an
       expense, below 5 times could also trigger a nega-  Collectively, they cover hard-currency interest  average of 17,000 boe/d through 2024, which is
       tive rating action.                 expense. In the event that cash flow from both  comparable with its ‘B’ rated peers, GeoPark Ltd
         Hunt Peru is a wholly-owned, indirect sub-  operations does not cover hard-currency inter-  (B+/Stable), Frontera Energy (B/Stable), Gran
       sidiary of Hunt Oil Company, a large private-  est expense, the applicable country ceiling will  Tierra Energy (CCC) and Compania General
       ly-owned hydrocarbon company in the United  be that of Argentina, and the company’s FC IDR  de Combustibles (CGC; CCC). Over the rated
       States. Hunt Peru is one of the leading explora-  will be revised in the event it is below its current  horizon, PCR will have the smallest production
       tion and production companies in Peru, with a  level of B-.              profile amongst rated peers in Latin Amer-
       focus on the exploitation of hydrocarbons and   Small Production Profile: PCR’s ratings  ica. Fitch estimates, Geopark will reach nearly
       related activities, such as the purchase, sale,  reflect its small and concentrated production  45,000 boepd by 2020-21, Gran Tierra around
       processing and fractionation of hydrocarbons,  profile, which is consistent the B rating category.  32,000boepd, CGC with below 40,000boepd,
       mostly natural gas. In 2020 it posted $490mn in  Although the company has exploration and pro-  and Frontera Energy 45,000 boepd. Further,
       revenues and $769mn in total assets.  duction interest in 10 blocks in Argentina (five),  PCR’s reported 38.4mn boe of 1P reserves at the
       Moody’s Investors Service, March 01 2021  Ecuador (four) and Colombia (one), its asset  end of 2019 equating to a reserve life of 6.1 years
                                           base as well as all of the company’s 1P reserves  is lower than line GeoPark at 7.6 years and Fron-
       Fitch Ratings affirms               and production is concentrated in Argentina  tera Energy’s 7.0 years, but higher than Gran
                                           (70%), Ecuador (25%) and Colombia (5%). This  Tierra’s 5.0 years and CGC’s 5.0 years.
       Petroquimica Comodoro               limited diversification exposes the company to   Fitch Ratings, March 02 2021
       Rivadavia’s B- rating

         Fitch Ratings has affirmed Petroquimica
       Comodoro Rivadavia’s (PCR) Long-Term For-
       eign and Local Currency Issuer Default Rat-
       ings (IDRs) at B-. The Rating Outlook has been
       revised to Stable from Negative.
         PCR’s B- Long-Term Foreign Currency IDR
       is rated at the country ceiling of Ecuador (B-) as
       cash flow from its Colombian and Ecuadorian
       operations cover its hard-currency consolidated
       interest expense. The Outlook revision reflects
       that of Ecuador, which is Stable. Fitch expects
       PCR’s ex-Argentine EBITDA to cover hard-cur-
       rency consolidated interest expense over the
       rated horizon.
         PCR’s Local Currency IDR reflects the issuer’s
       small oil and gas production size and reserve con-
       centration, small cement business concentrated

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   04•March•2021
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