Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 11
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The Prosperity FPSO will be installed at the Payara oilfield (Photo: SWS)
Guyanese contractor set to provide
fabrication services for Properity FPSO
GUYANA’S Industrial Fabrications (InFab) promote the use of local content. “Our govern-
revealed earlier this week that it was one of two ment remains committed to ensuring all Guya-
local companies that had won contracts from nese companies are adequately represented and
SBM Offshore for fabrication services on the benefit at all levels [from] the goods and services
Prosperity floating production, storage and supply chain within the oil and gas sector,” Bhar-
off-loading (FPSO) vessel that will be installed rat said. “I would like to urge all our local com-
at the offshore Stabroek block. panies to recommit their efforts to improve the
InFab announced the contract award at a cer- quality and standards of their products and ser-
emony on March 2, saying it had agreed to pro- vices within this sector to build capacity among
vide cable tray support fabrication services for our local companies.”
the FPSO, which the Dutch company is building Francesco Prazzo, SBM Offshore’s general
for work at Payara, one of more than a dozen oil- manager in Guyana, also described the contract
fields within Stabroek. It indicated that the work award as a milestone with respect to local con-
would be carried out at its East Coast Demerara tent in the country’s burgeoning oil industry.
manufacturing facility. “This is another example of Guyanese suppliers
As of press time, the company had not yet seizing opportunities to shape the country of
revealed the value or terms of the contract with tomorrow and transitioning from traditional
SBM Offshore. However, it did indicate that it ways of working,” he said.
hoped to continue playing a role in the devel-
opment of Guyana’s oil industry. “Today’s mile- Local content milestone
stone is an accumulation of all the hard work we InFab’s success also drew praise from Alistair
have put in throughout those years and we are Routledge, the president of ExxonMobil Guy-
proud to have the opportunity to demonstrate ana, which is developing the block that includes
that we are fully capable of providing services to the Payara oilfield. “It is an achievement to
the international entities such as SBM Offshore now see fabrication for the next FPSO, for the
and ExxonMobil Guyana,” said Jerry Max Gov- Payara FPSO coming into Guyana, to be under-
eia, InFab’s managing director. taken here in Guyana by Guyanese workers,” he
“We are confident that we can rise to the commented.
occasion and realise our full potential, set trends Payara is one of 18 oilfields that ExxonMo-
and be able to acquire and deliver more projects bil and its partners have discovered at Stabroek,
with companies as part of the local content which is thought to contain more than 9bn
drive,” he added. “This collaboration is truly barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in recoverable
what local content is about.” reserves. It is due to come on stream in 2024
Meanwhile, Guyana’s Minister of Natural and will be the third producing section of the
Resources Vickram Bharrat congratulated InFab block. The first section, Liza-1, began operating
for winning the contract, saying that this devel- in December 2019, and the second section, Liza-
opment was in line with Georgetown’s efforts to 2, is scheduled to follow suit in 2022.
Week 09 04•March•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11