Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 09 2021
P. 9

LatAmOil                                 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO                                         LatAmOil

       Imbert definitively rejects OWTU

       subsidiary’s bid for Petrotrin plant

                         COLM Imbert, the finance minister of Trini-  offer several times, but the government has
                         dad and Tobago, confirmed last week that the   expressed scepticism about its ability to restart
                         government was rejecting the bid made by a   and invest in the plant. The company tried to
                         local trade union for the Petrotrin oil refinery   put the government’s doubts to rest last month
                         in Point-a-Pierre, along with associated port   by submitting documentation corroborating its
                         facilities.                          claims of adequate financial standing, but to no
                           In a statement, Imbert explained that Port of   effect.
                         Spain had not changed course since February   Petrotrin, which is currently owned by a gov-
                         18, when it turned down the offer it had received   ernment-run entity known as Guaracara Refin-
                         from Patriotic Energies and Technologies Co.,   ing and Paria Fuel Trading., has been idle for the
                         a subsidiary of the Oilfields Workers’ Trade   last two years. The government shut the 140,000
                         Union (OWTU), which represents local oil   barrel per day (bpd) plant down in 2019, citing
                         and gas workers. He acknowledged that he and   concerns about the refinery operator’s ability to
                         other Finance Ministry officials had met with   reverse the decline that had caused it to incur
                         representatives of Patriotic earlier in the week at   $1bn worth of losses between 2014 and 2019.
                         the company’s request, but he stressed that the   At that time, officials in Port of Spain said
                         meeting did not have any effect on the deal.  that they were looking for an investor who could
                           The parties met only in order to “clarify any   pump about $4bn into the plant. They said that
                         issues that may exist with respect to the details   Guaracara would need $2bn to cover unpaid
                         of the financing proposal submitted by Patri-  debts and another $2bn to cover operational
                         otic on February 5, 2021 for the purchase of the   expenses and pay for an overdue equipment
                         Point-a-Pierre Refinery and Paria Fuel Trad-  upgrade. ™
                         ing and the recent Cabinet decision regarding
                         same,” he stated. Port of Spain has made clear
                         that it will not reconsider the company’s offer,
                         he emphasised.
                           In the meantime, Imbert said, the gov-
                         ernment will look to the market to determine
                         whether any other suitable investors are avail-
                         able to take the OWTU subsidiary’s place.
                         State-owned Trinidad Petroleum Holdings Ltd
                         (TPHL) is due to submit proposals to this effect
                         to the Finance Ministry within the next three
                         weeks, he said.
                           Patriotic has been in negotiations with the
                         government of Trinidad and Tobago on the
                         refinery sale since 2019. It has revised its original   Petrotrin has a capacity of 160,000 bpd(File Photo)

       Ecopetrol head comments on ISA bid

                         THE head of Colombia’s national oil company   the operation of toll roads and fibre-optic net-
                         (NOC) Ecopetrol has defended his company’s   works – fall outside the scope of the NOC’s core
                         decision to submit a bid for a majority 51.4%   business.
                         stake in Interconexion Electrica SA (ISA), the   However, if Ecopetrol is able to gain a foot-
                         country’s electricity transmission system oper-  hold in these areas, it will be “years ahead” with
                         ator (TSO).                          respect to diversifying its portfolio, he told
                           According to CEO Felipe Bayon, the TSO is   Bloomberg in an interview last week.
                         likely to be a good investment, even though its   Bayon acknowledged that it was uncommon
                         operations – electricity transmission, as well as   for oil companies to take this approach. ™

       Week 09   04•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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