Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 37 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                        ECUADOR                                            LatAmOil

                         “We have expressed our will to keep contrib-  it the largest oil transport system in Ecuador.
                         uting to the country’s development,” Vugdelija   However,  it  has  been  operating  far  below
                         stated. “But we respect the government’s will. If   capacity.
                         its choice is that we won’t continue, we guarantee   In 2021, it carried only 151,690 bpd, or 34%
                         the pipeline will be handed over to the country.”  of capacity, and in the first seven months of
                           Indeed, Argus Media noted, OCP Ecuador   2022, it carried 152,016 bpd, down by 7.3% on
                         began taking the first required steps toward   the figure of 163,987 bpd reported for the same
                         surrendering its licence last year. The handover   period of the previous year.
                         process includes asset inventories and environ-  Equity in OCP Ecuador is divided between
                         mental audits carried out by a bilateral commis-  Petroriental, a subsidiary of China National
                         sion manned by both OCP and government   Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), with 36.26%; Pampa
                         representatives, it said.            Energia (Argentina), with 30.06%; Repsol
                           The OCP network has a throughput capacity   (Spain), with 29.66%, and Perenco (UK/France),
                         of nearly 450,000 barrels per day (bpd), making   with 4.02%. ™

       Iran plans to construct oil refineries in

       Venezuela and Uruguay, says lawmaker

                         AN Iranian lawmaker said on September 13 that   sector. Joint refinery projects have the potential
                         Iran has plans to construct oil refineries in Ven-  to improve trade and diplomatic ties with other
                         ezuela and Uruguay, the semi-official Tasnim   states, generate additional income and provide
                         News Agency reported.                easier access to new markets, he said.
                           Mohammadreza Mir-Tajeddini, a member   “Venezuela has many refineries which
                         of the Iranian Parliament’s planning and budget   require our country’s up-to-date know-how and
                         committee, said the refinery projects would help   technology,” he was quoted as saying by Tasnim.
                         Iran get around the US sanctions regime. He was   “We can take advantage of such a capacity to
                         referring to the trade restrictions that Washing-  achieve our purposes in and outside the region.
                         ton has put in place in an ongoing attempt to   We can have access to the customers without
                         block sales of Iranian oil and petroleum product   paying additional costs in this way because the
                         on world markets.                    extra and additional expenses for the export of
                           According to Mir-Tajeddini, Iran would pro-  oil are very high at present.”
                         vide technical and engineering services to assist   Neither Mir-Tajeddini nor Mohammadne-
                         with the construction of the refineries. It would   jad identified any specific refinery projects for
                         also provide some of its own crude to serve as   joint investment.
                         feedstock for the plants and retain equity shares   Earlier this month, a third Iranian lawmaker,
                         in the facilities, he said.          Ali-Akbar Alizadeh Bahrami, said Iran might
                           He was speaking shortly after another Ira-  focus on completing unfinished refineries in
                         nian lawmaker, Parviz Mohammadnejad,   various countries abroad. There has been spec-
                         expressed support for co-operation with Ven-  ulation that Iran is interested in building at least
                         ezuela and other countries in the downstream   one refinery in Syria. ™

                                         Iran has signed a contract for repair work at Venezuela’s El Palito refinery (Photo: PdVSA)

       Week 37   14•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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