Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 37 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Cofounder of the Guyana Innovation Group,  discovered resource.          Las Palmas to Rio de Janeiro.
       Rodrigo  Arboleda,  could  not  conceal  his   Petronas’ Exploration Vice President Mohd   This involved checking and inspecting criti-
       excitement in being a part of this laudable  Redhani Abdul Rahman said: “The discovery  cal components including cylinder heads, cylin-
       feat. In his words, “The Innovation Village is a  at Baja-1 well is an important milestone for  der liners, pistons and connecting rods, bottom
       nation-building project that connects science,  Petronas in unlocking deepwater hydrocarbon  end and main bearings, camshafts and valve
       technology, and innovation with the wellbeing  resource from our exploration ventures. We are  gear. New heads, liners and piston rings were
       of society. Our goal is to bring to Guyana the  encouraged by this achievement and will remain  among a number of parts replaced while the air
       right allies that will help the country evolve into  focused on growing our international portfolio,  cooler, oil cooler and fuel pumps and pipes were
       a cutting-edge nation.”             especially in the Americas. This achievement is  refurbished.
         Luis Videgaray, head of the MIT Artificial  a testament to the combined expertise and expe-  After the service, a full load test was
       Intelligence Policy for the World Project, spoke  rience of all joint venture partners, and we look  completed to check the performance of
       on the immense potential of the Innovation  forward to more exciting milestones as we pro-  the engine in-line with the manufacturer’s
       Village.                            gress further.”                      recommendations.
         He said: “We are very proud to contribute to   PSEPBV holds a 30% participating interest in   Reflecting continued success for Royston in
       the thinking and ideas that may result in a trans-  the block which is operated by APA Suriname  the offshore marine services sector despite the
       formational project for society. MIT is moving  Corporation with a 45% interest, with CEPSA  current challenges, Shaun Cairns, Royston’s
       towards creating the right mechanisms to par-  Suriname holding the remaining 25%.  operations manager, said: “Our experience with
       ticipate around Artificial Intelligence that will   PSEPBV also holds 100% interest and opera-  MAN engines saw the rapid completion of this
       deliver well-being to society.” Business leaders,  torship in Block 48 and is in a 50:50 partnership  work, allowing the vessel to maintain sea-going
       governments, investors, innovators, and the gen-  with ExxonMobil Exploration and Production  operations. Companies such as TechnipFMC
       eral public with an eye for discovering untapped  Suriname BV in Block 52 within the prospective  can achieve significant cost savings using ser-
       opportunities are invited to witness a turning  Suriname-Guyana basin.   vice providers like us without compromising
       point in Guyana’s history.             In 2020, the first hydrocarbon discovery was  engineering quality and standards.”
       Guyana Innovation Group, September 13 2022  made in Block 52.              Craig Graham, assistant vessel superinten-
                                           Petronas, September 12 2022          dent at TechnipFMC, said: “It’s vital our vessels
                                                                                are kept in prime working condition to ensure
                                           Royston completes new                subsea projects. That means we have to have
       PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                                     they’re fit-for-purpose and can rapidly support
       Petronas confirms first             TechnipFMC engine                    effective 24/7 engine service solutions availa-
                                                                                ble that really deliver. Royston’s experience and
       oil discovery in Suriname   overhaul work                                expertise is an advantage for operators like us
                                                                                requiring added value solutions and fast turn-
       at offshore Block 53                New service and repair work has been com-  around times.”
                                                                                  Part of a fleet of vessels used to control and
                                           pleted by marine engineering and maintenance
       Petronas Suriname E&P has announced its first  specialist Royston on essential diesel power units  support a wide range of subsea projects and field
       oil discovery in Suriname, at the Baja-1 well in  onboard the world’s largest deep water pipelay  activities, the Deep Blue can lay flowlines and
       the country’s offshore Block 53.    and subsea construction vessel.      umbilicals, and support developments in water
         The well, located about 189 km offshore   The work saw a team of engineers from  depths ranging from 75 metres to 2,500 metres.
       Suriname in a water depth of 1,140 metres, was  Royston draw on their extensive capabilities and  It utilises the reel-lay and J-lay pipelay methods
       successfully drilled to a total of 5,290 metres.  resources to complete a 12,000-hour overhaul on  to install all types of flexible and rigid pipe and
       It also encountered light oil in the Campanian  a MAN 32/40 main generator onboard the 200-  umbilicals, and can lay umbilicals and flexibles
       aged sedimentary sequence. Post-drill evalu-  metre length TechnipFMC owned and operated  from below-deck carousels.
       ation is ongoing to firm up the potential of the  Deep Blue while the vessel was in transit from   Royston, September 8 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   14•September•2022
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