Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 37 2022
P. 17
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global bloc’s 27 energy ministers met on September 9
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join to discuss a package of EC proposals aimed at
our team of international editors, who provide a depriving Moscow of revenues to fund its war
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their in Ukraine, and ease soaring energy costs for EU
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new households and businesses.
concise format, but by clicking on the headline
link for each section the full text will be available FSU OGM: Equinor finishes exit from
as before. Russia
Norway’s Equinor has completed its withdrawal
AfrOil: Eni acquires BP’s Algerian assets from Russia’s oil industry with the sale of its
Italy’s Eni has reached agreement with BP entire holding in the Kharyaga oil project in
(UK) on the acquisition of the latter company’s the country’s far north. Equinor announced in
upstream assets in Algeria. In a statement, Eni May it had transferred shares in four joint ven-
said it expected the deal to help it gain access to tures in Eastern and Western Siberia to its state-
additional natural gas reserves that could be used owned partner Rosneft, while disclosing terms.
to supply European markets, while also expand-
ing its own business operations in Algeria. GLNG: Peru LNG sends three cargoes to
UK in August
AsianOil: Australia awards permits for Peru LNG, the operator of a natural gas lique-
evaluation of CCS opportunities faction plant and export terminal in Pampa
The Australian government has awarded per- Melchorita, resumed exports in August follow-
mits for companies to undertake evaluation and ing a planned shutdown for maintenance in
appraisal work for the potential storage of car- July. According to Peru’s national oil company
bon dioxide (CO2) in the country’s waters. On (NOC) Perupetro, the Peru LNG consortium
September 5, Santos announced that it had been loaded a total of 174,497 tonnes of LNG in the
awarded permits G-9-AP and G-11-AP to pur- month of August.
sue carbon capture and storage (CCS) opportu-
nities in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte basins MEOG: OPEC+ makes a cut
offshore Western Australia, alongside its joint The OPEC+ group of oil producers last week met
venture partners. to decide their next production quotas, elect-
ing to row back on last month’s increase in the
DMEA: Italy receives first cargo of Kuwaiti wake of falling prices and demand concerns. As
ULSD expected, the 100,000 barrel per day (bpd) uptick
Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI), a down- added in August was removed again on Septem-
stream subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corp. ber 6, with the group saying it would meet again
(KPC), has delivered its first batch of ultra- on October 5.
low-sulphur diesel (ULSD) fuel to Italy. In a
statement, KPI reported that the shipment had NorthAmOil: EQT announces $5.2bn
reached its depot in Naples. Appalachian acquisition
Shale gas producer EQT said this week that it
EurOil: EU energy ministers clash over had entered into an agreement with THQ Appa-
Russian gas price cap proposal lachia I and THQ-XcL Holdings I to acquire
EU member states have clashed over the Euro- Tug Hill’s upstream operations and XcL’s mid-
pean Commission’s proposal to place a price stream gathering and processing assets. In total,
cap on Russian gas supplies, casting doubt on EQT will pay $5.2bn for the assets, comprised of
whether the measure will be implemented. The $2.6bn in cash and $2.6bn in stock.
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Week 37 14•September•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P17