Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 37 2022
P. 15
During the downtime period, the Ministry of paid within a timely fashion, such as the iden- turned unto them with hope for better opportu-
Labor’s demands were observed, inspection and tified 45-day period. It is, however, unfortunate nities arising on the horizon.
adjustments to FPSO Petrojarl I were conducted that the Tier 1 contractors could not make timely The Guyana Innovation Group is poised to
to extend the chartering agreement for up to payments in an independent manner, without be the link connecting capabilities, cutting-edge
two years. Over the coming months these activ- having to be regulated into such by the Govern- technologies, incredible talent, and networks to
ities will be concluded, so that, by the end of the ment of Guyana. visionary public and private Guyanese partners,
year, the ship classification entity can assess the The GCCI calls upon Tier 1 contractors to thus forming the backbone for the growth of
general condition of the FPSO and confirm the play their part in the development of local con- the non-oil economy. The Innovation Village in
extension of its useful life. tent and operate both within the spirit and intent the heart of Silica City is a critical milestone for
Located in the Santos Basin, the Atlanta Field of the legislation. the country. Renowned organisations like Bos-
is operated by Enauta Energia, a wholly-owned The Chamber looks forward to improved ton’s MIT, DAR design and engineering firm,
subsidiary of the Company, which also holds a efforts by the Tier 1 contractors to support the Formula E ecosystem, including Brands
100% interest in this asset. local content and, by extension, private sector Partner Group (BPG), Baptist Health, Florida
Enauta Participações, September 14 2022 development. International University (FIU), NV2A Group,
Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, OEC, DHL Global, Universal Music and Hotels,
September 15 2022 Alder Fuels, amongst others, are showing great
POLICY interest in participating in the Innovation Village
Georgetown Chamber of Guyana Innovation Group Georgetown, is the brainchild and legacy of the
The Silica City, located in the south of
introduces Guyana
Commerce and Industry Innovation Village visionary leader, His Excellency President Irfaan
Ali. The city is set to be a pioneer in all ramifi-
comments on 45-day The Guyana Innovation Group presents Guy- cations, beginning by using the Low Carbon
Development Strategy (LCDS) that conforms
payment period for Tier ana’s first Innovation Village at the heart of Silica to Guyana’s commitment to the United Nations’
City, an innovation district that will host mul-
Sustainable Development Goals.
One contractors tiple tech solutions while developing a resilient Silica City, leading the way to becoming a global
The Innovation Village will be the heart of
and futuristic economy.
The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and The Innovation Village hopes to prepare cit- laboratory.
Industry (GCCI) welcomes the inclusion of a izens for a knowledge-based economy, foster a The Innovation Village represents a new
45-day payment period in the Local Content new tech startup scene, host innovative organ- complementary urban model, giving rise to
Master Plan by Tier 1 contractors. In this regard, isations from around the world and deliver the what people are calling “innovation districts.”
the GCCI takes the opportunity to commend country a non-oil economy “sandbox” that will These districts, by definition, are geographic
the Government of Guyana for creating the provide local and global solutions. areas where leading-edge anchor institutions
obligation and enforcement mechanism of the In recent times, Guyana discovered one of and companies cluster and connect with start-
payment timeline for Tier 1 contractors. the world’s biggest oil and gas reserves. This dis- ups, business incubators and accelerators. Key
The Chamber has been of the firm view that, covery is a turning point for the beautiful coun- enabling technologies like blockchain, artificial
to fully realise the benefits of the Local Content try, rich with warm people and innumerable intelligence and big data are used to develop
legislation, suppliers to the industry must be resources as the gaze of the world has gradually unique innovative solutions.
Week 37 14•September•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15