Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                join Petrosmith as we begin the next chapter
                                                                                of Wellflex’s growth and success.”
                                                                                  “The addition of Wellflex provides an
                                                                                exciting opportunity to partner with a
                                                                                company aligned with our own values in
                                                                                prioritising quality of service,” said Michael
                                                                                Duffy, President of Petrosmith. “Wellflex has
                                                                                a strong brand built on a foundation of nearly
                                                                                15 years of high-quality service.”
                                                                                PETROSMITH, November 23, 2020
                                                                                Halliburton to set science-
       top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the   PricewaterhouseCoopers, the value of the
       S&P Global Broad Market Index (S&P Global   net assets relevant to the sale is $176mn   based targets to reduce
       BMI). The DJSI North America Index tracks   (approximately ZAR3bn) as at June 30, 2020,
       the performance of the top 20% of the largest   which is net of the debt facilities associated   emissions
       600 companies in the S&P Global BMI in the   with the interest. The loss attributable to
       region.                             the net assets was $18mn (approximately   Halliburton today announced its commitment
       ONEOK, November 23, 2020            ZAR290mn) for the year ended June 30, 2020.  to set science-based targets to reduce
                                              The sale between SCNA, Ineos and Newco   greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The
                                           will only be effective upon restructuring of   company submitted its commitment letter to
       DOWNSTREAM                          the existing debt facilities and the company’s   the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi),
                                           security package in respect thereof. Closing is   a collaboration between CDP, the United
       Divestment by Sasol                 anticipated to occur by December 31, 2020.  Nations Global Compact, World Resources
                                                                                Institute, and the World Wide Fund for
                                           SASOL, November 24, 2020
       Chemicals North America                                                  Nature. With this commitment, Halliburton
                                                                                will submit targets in 2021 with pending SBTi
       of its 50% equity interest in       SERVICES                             validation by 2022. Halliburton joins over
                                                                                1,000 global companies who have committed
       Gemini HDPE                         Petrosmith acquires                  to set emissions reduction targets grounded in
                                                                                climate science through the SBTi.
       The board of directors of Sasol is pleased   Wellflex Energy Solutions     “Our SBTi commitment reinforces
       to announce that Sasol Chemicals North                                   our sustainability goals while helping our
       America, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sasol,   Petrosmith, a leading provider of production   customers provide the world with affordable
       has agreed principle terms with Ineos Gemini   equipment and oilfield tubular goods, has   and reliable energy,” said Halliburton
       HDPE Holding Company and a new entity   acquired the assets of Wellflex Energy   chairman, president and CEO, Jeff Miller.
       to be formed by Ineos (Newco) to sell its 50%   Solutions, a leading engineering, procurement   “Our industry plays an important role in
       membership interest in Gemini HDPE to   and construction management company.  reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
       Newco for $404mn (subject to adjustment for   Wellflex, headquartered in Fort Worth,   provides us a great opportunity to do what we
       cash, debt, working capital and other items).   Texas, utilizes the latest in design technology   do best: innovate, collaborate, and execute to
       Gemini produces and sells bimodal high-  to assist in detailed engineering, fabrication   drive efficiencies and affect change.”
       density polyethylene based in La Porte, Texas,   and project management to provide   Science-based targets are emissions
       United States of America.           customers with the most efficient, fit for   reduction targets in line with what the latest
         The sale represents a further step in   purpose equipment.             climate science outlines is necessary to meet
       achieving Sasol’s strategic and financial   Chris Thomas, CEO of Petrosmith, said,   the goals of the Paris Accord, which seeks to
       objectives by accelerating the focus on   “We believe Wellflex’s design and project   limit global warming to well below 2oC above
       specialty chemicals and reducing net debt.   management solutions are best-in-class and   pre-industrial levels.
       Proceeds from the transaction will be used by   will be in high demand as the energy sector   HALLIBURTON, November 19, 2020
       Sasol to repay near-term debt obligations.  gets back on track. Combining the Wellflex
         Concurrent with the closing, the company   process with Petrosmith’s quality fabrication
       will have completed the restructuring of   and services will provide our operators and   MOVES
       its existing debt facilities and the security   customers an efficient and effective process to
       package in respect thereof, resulting in Sasol   reduce facility expenses as the market returns.   Gunvor USA successfully
       and its subsidiaries being released from any   We are excited to add the Wellflex team to
       existing security being provided in relation to   Petrosmith as we steer the company towards   closes $1.1bn borrowing
       Gemini.                             long-term success.”
         The representations and warranties   “Our successful sale to Petrosmith is a   base
       being given by SCNA are general corporate   testament to our team’s collective effort to
       representations and warranties.     be the best in providing high quality, design,   Gunvor USA, a subsidiary of Gunvor Group,
         As disclosed in the Sasol financial   engineering, fabrication and construction   has successfully closed the syndication of its
       statements, prepared in accordance with   management for our customers,” said Nick   $1.1bn borrowing base credit facility. The
       IFRS and audited by the company’s auditors,   Klaus, President of Wellflex. “We’re excited to   facility includes a $500mn accordion feature,

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   26•November•2020
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