Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Chesapeake, Williams resolve

       midstream contract dispute

        US               PIPELINE operator Williams said this week  supply commitment for the Transco Regional
                         that it had reached a resolution with Chesa-  Energy Access (REA) pipeline, which is cur-
                         peake Energy, which is currently in Chapter 11  rently under development.
                         bankruptcy protection. Chesapeake is one of   “Williams has strategically invested in large-
                         Williams’ largest customers and the resolution  scale and essential infrastructure necessary to
                         will allow Williams to continue treating and  gather and treat the natural gas that Chesapeake
                         moving the bankrupt producer’s natural gas as  and its joint interest owners produce in the
                         it restructures.                     Eagle Ford, Haynesville and Marcellus,” stated
                           Under  the agreement,  which  requires  Williams’ president and CEO, Alan Armstrong.
                         bankruptcy court approval, Chesapeake will  “Our gathering systems are necessary to realise
                         be obliged to pay all pre-petition and past due  the full potential of these high-value reserves,
                         receivables related to midstream expenses under  and we are pleased to have been able to work
                         existing contracts. It has agreed not to attempt  with Chesapeake toward a mutually beneficial
                         to reject Williams’ gathering agreements in the  outcome that will put Chesapeake on a clear path
                         Eagle Ford play, Marcellus shale or Mid-Conti-  to a bright future. Chesapeake is a valuable cus-
                         nent region.                         tomer, and this transaction will both strengthen
                           In the Haynesville shale, Williams has  Chesapeake and allow Williams to enhance the
                         agreed to reduce its gathering fees in exchange  value of our significant midstream infrastructure
                         for gaining ownership of a portion of Ches-  by bringing adequate capitalisation to these low-
                         apeake’s South Mansfield producing assets,  cost gas reserves.”
                         which consist of roughly 50,000 net mineral   Earlier this month, also as part of its bank-
                         acres (202 square km). Meanwhile, Chesa-  ruptcy proceedings, Chesapeake sold its Okla-
                         peake has agreed to enter into a long-term gas  homa assets to Tapstone Energy for $130.5mn.™


       Imperial to raise production,

       spending in 2021

        CANADA           IMPERIAL Oil – one of Canada’s largest oil pro-  productivity at its Kearl oil sands project, as well
                         ducers – has unveiled plans to cautiously raise  as by adopting new technologies.
                         capital expenditure and production in 2021 as   Imperial’s CEO, Brad Corson, noted that a
                         it bets on demand continuing to recover. This  recovery in global energy demand was “highly
                         comes despite ongoing uncertainty and warn-  uncertain” and dependent on the spread of the
                         ings over further market volatility, but nonethe-  coronavirus (COVID-19). However, positive
                         less marks a turnaround from earlier this year,  news emerging from several separate vaccine tri-
                         when major producers were slashing spending  als recently appears to have boosted confidence
       Imperial expects to   and activity.                    that the pandemic can soon be brought under
       improve productivity   Imperial, which is majority-owned by Exx-  control, at least to some degree.
       at its Kearl oil sands   onMobil, said during its virtual investor day   And indeed, even as Imperial moves to
       project.          presentation last week that it was planning to  gradually increase spending and production,
                         spend CAD1.2bn ($922mn) in 2021, up 33%  it is clear that the pandemic and its impact on
                         from 2020. The company’s upstream produc-  energy demand have taken a heavy toll this
                         tion is targeted to rise 5% to 415,000 barrels of  year. This week, the company said it would lay
                         oil equivalent per day (boepd) next year.  off around 200 people from its 6,000-strong
                           In addition, Imperial unveiled a new target  workforce across Canada as part of a cost-cut-
                         to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions  ting initiative.
                         intensity by 10% compared with 2016 levels   This comes as parent company ExxonMobil
                         by the end of 2023. This comes after the com-  is in the process of cutting its global workforce by
                         pany has already cut its emissions intensity by  around 15%, or around 14,000 jobs. The layoffs
                         more than 20% compared with 2013. It said it  at Imperial are reported not to have been ordered
                         would achieve further reductions by improving  by ExxonMobil.™

       Week 47   26•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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