Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The fate of the Keystone
                                                                                                  XL pipeline is more

                         prospects. In October, TC Energy said it was  on the pipeline remains stalled while another
                         awarding more than $1.6bn worth of contracts  review process is carried out before the permit
                         to six American unionised contractors to carry  can be reissued.
                         out pipeline construction work across three
                         states, which is expected to support over 7,000  What next?
                         union jobs in 2021. Separately, the company has  Keystone XL’s chances of survival will likely
                         said construction of Keystone XL can lead to the  become clearer once Biden has taken office. In
                         creation of 11,000 US jobs in total.  the meantime, it appears that TC Energy will
                           Now the company has said that its new agree-  continue its efforts to portray the project as being
                         ment with NLE could serve as a model for deals  in alignment with Biden’s agenda. The company
                         with other indigenous communities along Key-  has also pledged to create a $10mn clean energy
                         stone XL’s route in both the US and Canada. It  training fund and has talked up the steps it is tak- It was previously
                         hopes support by indigenous investors will be  ing to reduce emissions.
                         another factor working in the pipeline’s favour.  It was previously thought that once a pipeline   thought that
                           “We’ve looked at the incoming Biden admin-  is built, it is effectively safe from opposition.   once a pipeline
                         istration’s Build Back Better plan and the steps  However, the legal challenge against a separate
                         that we’ve already taken with Keystone XL, we  pipeline – Dakota Access – has shown that this   is built, it is
                         believe, have positioned it very favourably, par-  may no longer be the case. Like Keystone XL,
                         ticularly as we bring jobs to the economy next  Dakota Access now has to undergo another  effectively safe
                         year, a key platform for the US government as  review to have a permit reinstated. However,
                         we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic,” TC  unlike Keystone XL, the pipeline was already   from opposition.
                         Energy’s president of liquids pipelines, Bevin  operational when the permit was withdrawn.
                         Wirzba, said during a webcast from the compa-  There are fears that the court case over Dakota
                         ny’s investor day.                   Access will set a precedent for environmental
                           TC Energy has constructed about 200 km  groups and other opponents to pursue more
                         of pipeline since the project was approved in  legal challenges against pipelines even if they
                         March, including the border crossing, and has  are already operational. As Keystone XL has
                         begun construction of 17 pump stations in the  generally been more contentious than the Line
                         US states it traverses and Alberta, he said. Pro-  3 replacement – though there has been oppo-
                         gress was hampered by a court revoking one of  sition to both – this suggests that even if Biden
                         the pipeline’s permits in April. The case was con-  were to agree to allow the pipeline to be built, the
                         tested in the US Supreme Court, which upheld  obstacles for TC Energy would not necessarily
                         the lower court’s ruling. As a result, construction  end there.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   26•November•2020
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