Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 47 2020
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Steps forward for major pipelines

       A key permit for Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement has been granted, while TC Energy has

       struck a major deal for indigenous participation in Keystone XL

        NORTH AMERICA    THERE have been two separate developments   Local media in Minnesota noted that all that
                         involving major North American pipeline pro-  remains is for the Minnesota Pollution Control
       WHAT:             jects during the past week. In significant progress  Agency (MPCA) to issue a storm water con-
       Enbridge’s Line 3 project   for Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement, the pipeline  struction permit to protect surface waters from
       has received a crucial   was awarded a crucial permit – one of the final  runoff while the pipeline is being built. Min-
       permit, while TC Energy is   outstanding ones. Meanwhile, TC Energy has  nesota’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC),
       trying to ensure Keystone   been trying to ensure that its Keystone XL pro-  which has already approved the project several
       XL is built.      ject goes ahead in the face of new uncertainty  times, then has to give the final green light.
                         following US President-elect Joe Biden’s victory   These final steps mark the culmination of a
       WHY:              at the polls.                        six-year approval process for the Line 3 replace-
       The project developers   Last week, TC Energy announced that it had  ment between Alberta and Wisconsin. The seg-
       have been trying to   struck a deal with Natural Law Energy (NLE),  ments of the pipeline in Canada, North Dakota
       move forward with their   a group that comprises several First Nations.  and Wisconsin have already been replaced.
       pipelines for several   The deal paves the way for NLE to invest up to   The MPCA reportedly had 30 days from
       years, but challenges   CAD1bn ($768mn) in Keystone XL. It comes as  November 23 to determine whether to issue the
       remain, especially for   TC Energy seeks to show that its project aligns  storm water construction permit.
       Keystone XL.      with Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ agenda, even   The ageing pipeline is currently operating at
                         though his campaign said earlier this year that  roughly half of its capacity, and once the replace-
       WHAT NEXT:        he would revoke the presidential permit for  ment is complete it will be able to carry up to
       Concerns remain that US   Keystone XL if elected.      760,000 barrels per day (bpd).
       President-elect Joe Biden
       could cancel Keystone   Permit progress                Trying to survive
       XL’s presidential permit.  On November 23, the US Army Corps of Engi-  The path forward for Keystone XL is far less
                         neers approved one of the final outstanding per-  certain. Biden’s campaign said in May that he
                         mits for the Line 3 replacement pipeline, which  was “strongly opposed” to the pipeline, but TC
                         will allow it to cross northern Minnesota.   Energy’s recent moves suggest the company still
                           “This decision is based on balancing devel-  hopes to convince him otherwise.
                         opment with protecting the environment,” said   The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has
                         the Corps’ commander of the St Paul District,  hit the economy and jobs, so TC Energy has
                         Colonel Karl Jansen.                 been keen to talk up Keystone XL’s job creation

       Week 47   26•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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